Ok, so my window motors have been weak for a while now, but it seems like theyve gotten better as the weather has been heating up. that is, until today, my driver window (which rolled down very smoothly and nicely) decided it wouldnt roll back up. If i push the switch down, i can hear the motor engage and then switch off because its all the way down, but if i push 'up' it seems like there is no response at all. Anyone have any ideas what could be wrong? i dont wanna go replace the window motor if its not that thats causing the issue
mine did that and it was the regulator, passenger side will need replacing soon after
it was a 90$ fix at abra
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Sounds like the switch went out. Take the door panel off. Strip the insulation on the wires before the motor put 12v to it and see if it moves. The motor goes up or down based on switching the pos and neg. If it moves the motor is good and the switch is bad. If not the motors bad and the switch is ok.
My bosses Cav had both go bad. Hahaha.
Before you tear ANYTHING apart get one of the local Jbody guys to loan you there center console window control module, use flat blade screw driver to pop yours out, then unclip the harness on the underside. Swap it with the working one to see if it works. I have had this module go out on both of my Jbody's and I paid $20 from the junkyard to get another. Cheap fix, and it's free to test if you have a buddy that will loan you their switches.
Pfft.. just try jumping the wires first. Disconnect the switch from the white connector... then grab a couple of paperclips (or wire, but make sure it only goes in one pin at a time):
Use one jumper from pin E (dark blue wire) to pin H (brown wire, power), and a second from pin A (brown wire) to pin G (black wire, ground). Don't cross the streams
If that works, then the switch is the culprit. If not, the motor's shot.
John Lenko wrote:Pfft.. just try jumping the wires first. Disconnect the switch from the white connector... then grab a couple of paperclips (or wire, but make sure it only goes in one pin at a time):
Use one jumper from pin E (dark blue wire) to pin H (brown wire, power), and a second from pin A (brown wire) to pin G (black wire, ground). Don't cross the streams
If that works, then the switch is the culprit. If not, the motor's shot.
This is what I did, but Lenko...what u are forgetting is that not everyone is as technically inclined, nor are they as resourceful to look up the schematic and find the components needed to bridge a circuit. lol. But yes, this is the easiest way if you have some extra speaker wire or paper clips (not recommended) and Lenko to provide you the correct pins to bridge. Lenko, where were you when my window was stuck down in the winter and my car was getting filled with snow?!?
Shoulda been here, lol.
i've had 3 of 4 window motors die. replaced each and they all work great.