ok i drive a 01 auto 2200. and today i went to start my car and it started but then died imeditaly. like the secruity was on. but it wasnt, and i noticed when i turned the key for electrical stuff the gas and temp gauge stayed still and every so often all 3 needles would make a werid noise and go like down. finally got the car started. noticed 2 dark spots in cluster. any ideas on whats wrong?
today while i was drivin(started no problems this mornin) my gas and temp went down to there off postions and my mileage said error, and my secruity light/service and trac off light all came on. not sure if this of any help
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, May 26, 2010 10:42 AM
your car has ghosts... call ghostbusters
check your battery,it might not be holding enough charge to supply the vehicle
Check your ground cables as well, mine had a similar problem, and thats what it was.
Alex wrote:Check your ground cables as well, mine had a similar problem, and thats what it was.
that seems very possible cuz they seem a lil corded so imma check it out and just redo it with 0 guage and a new terminal and see if that helps.
yeah, there is 1 under the battery tray that has insulation cut off and has a bracket bolted down that was my main source of problems, maybe to the transmission or something...i can't remember, its been a couple years. I'm still having a problem with my cluster lighting up like a christmas tree sometimes, but i've decided im fine with that...lol