I'm looking to remove and bypass the factory amp in my 04 Cav... problem is I don't have the RPO tag, so don't know what amp is in there... any suggestions on how to ID it?
dang no edit button... need to ID it to get the proper wiring pinouts to bypass it
rob. just ID the amp by folowing the pinouts. thats all you really gotta. do. you find the one with the same wires and you have the right amps.
U85 = Monsoon. It'll say Monsoon on the amp itself, as well as your stock head unit. If you unplug the amp, all the speakers will die. Only found in uplevel Sunfires.
UQ3 = "premium" stereo, just the rear 6x9's are amplified. If you unplug the amp, just the rear speakers will die. The fronts are driven off the head unit. Found in most Sunfires and some Cavaliers.
"the tweeter" still receives full signal from the h-u even with the amp un plugged, thats how i had it at one time
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