I just got an amp installed today for my 4 speakers. My doubt is, my stereo is conected directly to my battery so even when thne car is OFF I can listen to it. But now that I have an amp, Im not sure this is right. If I turn on my radio while my car is OFF will this drain my battery (since my amp goes on when my radio goes on and it goes off when radio goes off)? Should I worry about getting this changed? How long can I use the stereo + amp without draining my battery (battery is new, bought 3 weeks ago). Suggestions, opinions etc?
Im really a newbie so I dont know if I can install a switch or something so I can use my radio without turning the amp on so it drains my battery less.
All ideas are welcome and thanyou everyone. Btw happy thanksgiving.
Regards, from Mexico...
Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac...
i wouldnt worry about draining your battery ive seen some cars go 6-7 hours with the system cranked before there battery died(also depends on size of amp). but if you are worried just turn your car on for like 5 minutes(if that) every hour and youll be good. you coud install a switch but im not sure you would get any sound at all when its turned off since these four speakers are you door and 6 x 9's (im assuming) and all sound is going thru the amp and i dont think that if the amp off you can have sound.
click sig for my car audio videos
when i had my cav i had 1000 watts to 2 subs and 75 watts to my speakers and had a switch to clos the circuit between the ignition wire on the stereo and my yellow top. i started the car for 10 minutes every 30 minutes and it was fine.
"I did it because I wanted to see what it would look like. You should be greatful that I even told you that it would look good. If your to dumb to use photoshop and change the color of your own car then you don't need to see it changed. I'm not going to give my work away. I'll sell the pic to you though for $15."-Adam Kalin
^^JBO is about not being that guy
get a voltmeter, mount it in the car somewhere (or just get one that sticks in the lighter)
When the car dips to 11.7V, you're close to dead.
Thanks for your answers. From what I understood it is not a problem so I will leave it as is. I read somewhere in google that people prefer to have it conected to the ignition (so they dont forget to turn the radio off, how can u forget??????), but since you say it is not dangerous then I prefer it directly to the battery.
Thanks again!
Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac...
When most people get out of their cars they pull the keys and hop out. You just have to turn your deck off everytime and some people would find that a hassle.