getting my pioneer headunit tonight. and will be installing it. also will be installing a motorized lcd also.
got a few questions though.
1. on a 2000+ i need to find a switched 12v source, since im using 2 units can i use the same wires for both?, (tap into on 12v constant for both units, and use same battery acc, and ground?)
2. wheres the easiest 12v source to access from the stereo dash area?
1. yes they can share
2. wait for audio
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
what size fuses do i need for the 2 lines going to 12v switched?
It's just a switched line... so 1 amp is more than sufficient. The supply power comes from the other (yellow on aftermarket) power wire. Easiest is to use a fuse tap on the windshield wiper fuse. Again, 1 amp is fine... so you're not putting undue stress on the wiper circuit... nothing to worry about there. Next easiest if you T off a wire would be the HVAC panel. I don't usually tap there, so you're on your own for finding a switched wire. Best would be to tap the heavy brown wire on the steering column, it's the ACC feed to the fuse panel itself...
well im tapping into the wiper.... also... whats the closest ground to the body, from the radio position cause a friend of mine told me that the harnes ground might cause noise.
it shouldn't cause noise unless your running an amp, i wouldnt worry to much about it right now.....but i would go to the heavy brown or orange wire for acc
i am running an amp... i figure ill try to ground onto the dash brace