Might decide to make a box for my 15in XXX, but wanna know if it can fit or how I need to modify it.
I need 4cubes so if anyone has a box in that size in their cavy please post it and let me know how u did it.
Also what are the consequences of having a box smaller than recommend? Other than loss of output and not hitting the lows as hard? And how significant is the impact?
YES THANK YOU thats exactly what im looking for..now for the questions
So to fit a 4 cube box all u did was cut off those triangle support? Were there any other modifications you had to do?? And is there a reason why I would regret cutting those supports??
Also I dont see an amp in the pic. How much space do you have between the end of the trunk and the box?
ok lol you dont NEED to cut those out that is only if you want to use as much space as needed, if you only want a 4cft box and you dont have enough width then add length or height you know what I mean, what size of port are you gonna use, I can give you a rough idea on the size of the box that will be needed BUT it is only a rough idea dont use these measurments because they arent for that sub but at least you will get an idea on how big the box will be
34"wide x 16.5"tall x 20"deep
with a port 5" wide
that will give you around 3.8 cft before adding your sub so take a measuring tape out to your car and you will notice how big of a box that will needed because those dimensions are still too small, now if you were to add 2" to your length you should have the right amount of air space but dont just take my word wait to see if anyone else says anything
as for space I never worried about that as long as the box fit I then found a spot for my amp
as for regret cutting those supports I dont know for sure and I dont want to say no incase something ever happens, but mine have been like that for 3 years now and I havent had any issues
ic what you mean, and cutting those triangle things really help with putting a box in from the cabin. 2 more questions
1. Was there still a decent amount of air coming into the cabin, it almost like the box is taking up too much space for air to pass through?
2. do you remember what numbers you were putting up?
there wasnt so much air coming through when I had the sub firing to the back but it was still very loud, I eventually changed it around so the sub fired into the car and then sealed off the trunk completely as to keep all the pressure in the cabin
the best I did was when I had it hooked up to an orion 2500d and running two runs of 0awg wire back to a second battery and also had the big 3 done as well, I think my best was 150 or 149.5 on termlab not the mic looking one but the little box
Four cubes is tight, I fit 2 12's in a 4 cube box with a port in the trunk without cutting the supports, but it was tight. Making room for a fifteen because it's a taller sub, you might have to cut them.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
By not cutting out the upper corners, you have to make the box considerably deeper (ie less useable trunk left) and/or add ALOT more complexity to the box build.
I built a 5.5cuft net box for my 18" Stroker without cutting out the supports. Damn thing looked like the USS Enterprise, as it was not only a weird shape, but the sub baffle had to be angled to accommodate the 18" sub. Not much trunk left doing things that way.
Square is far easier, and by cutting out the supports you don't have to make the box as deep (MUCH easier to design and build, and you'll make more efficient use of the trunk).
I've heard of no structural issues with the corners cut out, but if you're concerned you could always make your own braces and bolt them in after the box is in the trunk.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote: if you think you're that much better than them because you're "correct" I hope your progeny don't turn out as screwed up as yourself.
so what kind of design do we need to fit 4 cubic feet in our trunk without modification? I'm needing the same for a 15.
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If you need to use a smaller box to fit in the car than the sub requires. Then make it to your needs and go to walmart. then go to the crafts section and get poly fill for pillows. I cant remember the exact calculation for how much to put in the sub but you can check with crutch-field and they could help you out. the poly fill actually slow's the air in the box to make it seem like its a bigger box. the old style PYLE brand subs and boxes used insulation from houses to accomplish the same thing. this is just a try type thing, Im just giving an idea.
ya.. I would rather now as this will prob. have a plexi window to see inside. I and prob going to have to use all of my trunk. including angles for front and rear.
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it may work in a sealed box but if its ported that stuff is going to be all over your car.
n8ball2013 wrote:it may work in a sealed box but if its ported that stuff is going to be all over your car.
Use some spray adhesive and it wont go no where.
i got a crazy box design in my head
i will share once i get it all on paper with proper demensions
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