Hey all, I am a autometer dealer and I was just wondering if you guys used autometer a lot, or if there was a specific gauge that most people seemed to lean toward. This is simply to gauge interest and of course if there is enough interest I could always do a nice little group purchase. I am pretty sure that this post is ok to post? I didn't see anything in the rules about gauging interest for a GP, if not just delete it please, Thanks! If you would like to get the price of a certain gauge just email me, shanebelanger@gmail.com or post on here
I believe there would be alot of interest in a GP for autometer gauges. I for one would purchase if the price is right
i might be intersted in an autometer wideband depending on price
Im interested... boost/vac and A/F ratio guage and maybe some others... cobalt series
"Hondas are like tampons, every pussy has one!!!"
im intrested in a volt, oil,boost in cobalt series
I plan on gettin a bunch of Cobalt series gauges in the future(spring).
UEGO, voltmeter, trans temp, are all on my necessities list before spring.
GP FTW!!!!!!!
Listen F***ers. FASTERTHANAHONDA is a joke because I WORK FOR HONDA. I'll talk @!#$ about Fords to, that doesn't mean I can beat a 12 second mustang.
if you can get the new ES line that would be cool
If I'm weird and everyone else is weird, does that make me normal?
Versus Motorsports really @!#$ sucks
and so does DHL...but more
ok... so obviously there is a lot of interest in this turning into a GP, so I want to make this as easy as possible. In your opinion(s) what will be the best way to do this, just take every gauge and give you retail then my price which would take a LONG time and be quite a hassle as autometer has a lot of gauges, or is there another way? I'll see if I can get the ES gauges.
could possible just say "15%" off of each gauge or whatever. I'm also interested in maybe 5 gauges too in the Sport Comp series.
i would be interested in a digital volt gauge and a digital electronic oil pressure gauge
Id be interested in a full sweep electronic boost gauge. Phantom II series. Maybe a A/F gauge too... id be interested in seeing prices thats for sure. PM me with some estimate prices if you can.
hopefully (cross fingers) I will be able to get prices on everything that you have listed by monday. So if everything goes as planned monday night you will see some prices! Or maybe I can just do like what Ryan said and give you a percentage off of each gauge, we'll have to see.
Thanks for your interest,
Shane Belanger
maybe add a free pillar for purshases of 3 guages or more?
you gotta have NV!!!
Listen F***ers. FASTERTHANAHONDA is a joke because I WORK FOR HONDA. I'll talk @!#$ about Fords to, that doesn't mean I can beat a 12 second mustang.
OK, my prices are as follows:
If you purchase less than 5 gauges you will receive 10% off of the Suggested Retail
If you purchase 5 or more gauges you will receive 15% off of the Suggested Retail
All prices do not include shipping, that will be the actual cost.
I also sell K&N so maybe there is some interest in that too??
As I said before this is simply gaging interest for a GP so if you are interested please put your name and how many you would like below. ONLY actually interested people please. I do not need an address or anything as that will only be necessary if this gets kicked off as a GP.
David ortlieb - cobalt series A/F ratio guage, cobalt series Boost/Vac guage.
Also interested in K&N, a cone filter, what kind of a deal could i get on that? what would the price be for my guages? thanks
"Hondas are like tampons, every pussy has one!!!"
I want the digital volt gauge and a digital electronic oil pressure gauge i stated above but I would rather know prices first
is the 10% the suggested retail of each gauge or added all together?
David: cobalt series A/F ratio guage, cobalt series Boost/Vac guage price of the A/F Gauge is: $85.65 Price of the Boost/Vac gauge is: ELECTRICAL: is $239.86 and for Mechanical it is: $81.82
and Twiztid... exactly what do you want, sport-comp digital or ultra lite digital? in sport-comp the price for the volt gauge is: $60.45
the digital electronic pressure gauge comes in bars or psi...
This is very hard because I don't exactly know what you want, so if you could go to www.autometer.com and find out exactly what you want than I can give you a price on the exact product that you are interested in purchasing. If you would like the small autometer catalog than I will send you one for $2.00 (Shipping)
And as for K&N I can give you those at 20% off the suggested retail price. But as before please go to
http://www.knfilters.com/ and tell me exactly what filter you would like to purchase. At the site you can also search for your car and get the part number and such.
Sorry for the inconvenience, thanks for your patience,
Shane Belanger
Im interested in Wideband a/f, Dpic, Boost, and possibly tranny temp all in Pro-comp Ultra-lite series silver face.... prices on those would be nice
Under Construction
Ok heres mine, Seriously thinking about it..
Cobalt: Boost / Vacuum - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6107
Range:30 In. Hg/20 psi
Cobalt: Oil Pressure - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6121
Range:0-100 psi
Cobalt: Voltmeter - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6192
Range:8-18 Volts This is a 270 not a full sweep, I want the 270 for sure on this.
270 degree... Let me know HOW much cheaper these would be then the full sweeps
Cobalt: Oil Pressure - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6127
Range:0-100 psi
Cobalt: Wideband Air/Fuel Ratio - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6178
Wideband A/F Kit
Range:10:1 AFR to 20:1 AFR (Does this include a sensor and controller?)
Cobalt: Fuel Pressure - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6163
Range:0 - 100 PSI
Prices and info on all please
Buildin' n' Boostin for 08' - Alex Richards
heres mine:
Oil Pressure
Product #
2 1/16" (52.4mm
Boost / Vacuum
w/ Peak Memory and Warning
Product #
2 1/16" (52.4mm
Wideband Air/Fuel Ratio
Wideband A/F Kit
Product #
2 1/16" (52.4mm
Ok, Bubba... I'm again not exactly sure what you want prices on. If you could get me some product numbers so that I don't give you the wrong prices I would really appreciate it...
Now for Alex:
Cobalt: Boost / Vacuum - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6107
Range:30 In. Hg/20 psi
Price: $81.82
Cobalt: Oil Pressure - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6121
Range:0-100 psi
Price: $72.67
Cobalt: Voltmeter - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6192
Range:8-18 Volts This is a 270 not a full sweep, I want the 270 for sure on this.
Price: $65.37
Cobalt: Oil Pressure - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6127
Range:0-100 psi
Price: The short sweep is: (6127) $92.61 and the Full Sweep: (6153) $239.86
Cobalt: Wideband Air/Fuel Ratio - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6178
Wideband A/F Kit
Range:10:1 AFR to 20:1 AFR (Does this include a sensor and controller?)
Price: $443.98 and No it doesn't come with a sensor or controller... this is exactly what my book says "Works with most factory narrow band sensors or model 2244." and the model 2244 is $136.05 and thats an oxygen sensor kit.
Cobalt: Fuel Pressure - 2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Product #:6163
Range:0 - 100 PSI
Price: $239.86
Hopefully that is everything you were looking for??
Oil Pressure
Product #
2 1/16" (52.4mm
Price: $60.31
Boost / Vacuum
w/ Peak Memory and Warning
Product #
2 1/16" (52.4mm
Price: $240.71
Wideband Air/Fuel Ratio
Wideband A/F Kit
Product #
2 1/16" (52.4mm
Price: $419.99
All righty, hopefully that is everything that everyone wanted! If not just post here or email me shanebelanger@gmail.com thanks for your interest!
oh and ryan the 10% is the same either way, i tend to just do it gauge by gauge because it's easier for me that way. For example if you have a gauge that costs 50 dollars and you want 2 you will get 5 bucks off each gauge or 10 bucks off of both of them. I kind of forgot to answer you on that, sorry!
Ok sorry about the confussion here is the product numbers for what i was wanting and i want both guages in
2 1/16" (52.4mm)
Voltmeter Oil Pressure
Product #:6393 Product #:6327