I removed my fog lights to do some wire clean up and some other things , after re taping all the wires for the fog lights I plugged them and tested them and they work fine but as soon as I go to screw them back into the brackets on the bumper the spark and pop a fuse I have went through 5 fuses trying to solve this matter but everytime I go to screw the fog lights back into the brackets they spark and pop a fuse PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!
flip your wires. clearly you have positive connected to ground and when its goign into the grounded bracket its shorting

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
or moisture in the connector we sell the pigtails at my work for 4 bucks per side let me know if you would want them
Moisture won't blow a fuse (though it will corrode the socket). I'm going to agree with Machzel08.
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd