OK so i have a capacitor that i got but it does not have the mounting rings. what should or could i use to mount this. i was thinking maybe something a plumber would use to mount a piece of PVC pipe but i don know what to use and i cant find mounting rings online.
Conduit Brackets might be a good option, and they dont look terrible either. IMO, specially if you painted/polished them
Heres a site that has a pic (first one I clicked on googleing) of what im talking about, on the bottom right.
Im sure Home Depot or whatever hardware store around you should have something like that.
i drilled a small hole into a ring clamp then screwed it down (actualy it was left over from my intake). i thing the plumers stuff u are thinking about is commonley called plumbers strap and can be found at a hardware store and would work good too but not as tight.
Take the capacitor, throw it as hard as you can, and where it lands, leave it mounted there.
^^ Lol when I saw this thread at first I was going to say pretty much exactly that.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good.