I searched for what people are running in their cars for navi but didnt find anything useful. I was lookin at crutchfield's and they said the only one that fits our cars is the kenwood one in this link here
The one i was hoping to get is the Pioneer AVIC-N3
Does the Pioneer fit or no? and if not, what are you guys running in your J's?
Any head unit will fit in our cars. Some just take a little modification.
I use a carrier pigeon. He calls me on my cell phone and tells me which way to go.
I use a sexton and the stars.
Plus street signs
But i am thinking of upgrading the sexton to one of these
Universal nav cause no nav unit is made for my screen plus it has lan/usb to update maps
n3 will fit jsut need to tril some stuff.
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
i have teh concept idm-888 and had to trim out the back platic bahind the hu then no problems
How much cutting and drilling would be required to fit the N3 in? i dont want to do too much cutting if i dont have to. I want the N3 mainly because when i get out to virginia (moving from cali) I can swap it out whenever i buy a truck.