Hello, i recently got an ipod nano for my bday and i remember hearing that you can hook up your ipod to your headunit if you have Aux inputs. what do i need to do this?? what kind of cable does it take? pics would rock!! also, input from anyone who has done this would also rock!!
What kind of head unit do you have? Depending on what kind of inputs your head unit has you probably just need
this... but it all depends on what your head unit has. My Pioneer uses
this box.
i have an alpine 7893
89sunbird: hows the sound quality?
I did some searchin for ya...
Check those out
I havent plugged it in yet...full time job, part time student...I'll do it this weekend
The first link Seth posted is what I use with CDA-9855, it works very well. Basically the only thing you'll gain by using the other one is the ability to control the iPod through the deck, so it's all personal preference. I personally wouldn't go the route of the stereo mini to RCA cables because you'll get better quality through the 30-pin connectors.
thanks for the links! i found the $99 alpine interface thing, but dont want to spend that much really. I didnt see the other one. may have to look into that!!
if found
THIS today. its not much for 30bucks but the reviews are TON better than the cheaper version (they're actually positive!) but the link you had for the PAC charges the ipod... and thats even better!
thanks again!!
OK, ive researched my headunit and found out that it does have the Ai-Net. So i think im going to get
does anyone know where i can get this any cheaper??
Ur welcome.
Ya, I liked the PAC one better too.
I would use a 30-pin connector, but the iPod Shuffle doesnt have the 30-pin connector...just the one pin...