I just wanted to thanks to everyone so far for your help.
I have one more question.
I ordered my Plexi tonight, and Plan on engraving it (Luckily i do know that much) I just haven't decided if I want to do Alpine or Jeep. Anyways, I would like it litup, but dont like the look of just a neon tube in the box. Id like more of like the CC Tube to go around it. But then I thought maybe LED's
Can anyone show me what I would need to do LED's.
I am very open to recommendations on how to go about this or on using something else.
led's you would have to figure out if you want to wire them in series or parallel. to do parallel you need to figure out the voltage of the led, and get a resistors to bring down the 12 volts to the led voltage, theres calculators all over if you search google im sure you can find one. then you have to solder a resistor to each led and then wire them up.
Series you do the same except you can figure out how many leds you can attach to each other without resistors then just wire those up accordingly. it's pretty easy, just sounds complicated. if you wanna do leds i can help you more.
personally i prefer to do parallel and give each led it's own resistor, that' my preference, everyone has their own though, you can do parallel with one resitor or series with one or no resistors, it's all up to, just know that no matter wich way, you're going to have quite a bit of wire to hide, and a bit of soldering to do, espicially for a whole box.
My plan was to drill and mount them in the plexi and then glue over them..
Building it now...Its just going to be a square box(It will have some add ones to form it to the back of my jeep) but the enclosure it self will be square, subs and port on top, 12x30 plexi on the back side, with ///Alpine ethched in it...
Well as much as like to wire things, My hands get way to sore to hold an iron for that many contacts...
So im going to go with the ones posted...since they have resistors, how would you guys hook them up? Parallel or Series?
I'm going to recommend at least 3/8" or better for the plexi... 5mm LED's ~equals .2" so that doesn't give much play on a 1/4" sheet
Rosario, you have a PM on the way.
i would personally try to hide the leds, im not sure how you are going to manage that. but i agree with wiki, the superfulx chips are hella bright, and those led strips would be a lot cleaner to install.
i think he's getting 3/4" plexi so he should be fine there. i was thinking when you drill holes for the leds, dont drill all the way through so the led sits within the plexi, if they don't stay in by themselves you can put a little silicon to make them stay, i think that would turn out neat. especially if you can get it from the top and the sides facing inwards, instead of straight out.
Thats my plan, to Drill into the glass so the LED sits in flush and then add some sealant so the vibration's wont knock them out, and to have them come in from all sides pointing into the middle of the glass...the left and right side LEDs will be facing each other and the top and bottoms ones will face each other...Should light up the Alpine Logo real nice..