I revcieved and Alpine, I believe its a V-20/ 200w amp. Currently I have it hooked up to lightning audio 6x9s and stock 4x6s. I plan to replace the stock 4x6s with Rockford Puch series. My amp is a two channel amp. The RMS on the 6x9s is 75w the puchs RMS is 30w. The Rockford stage 1/ 8" subs I just bought handle 150w apiece. I could wire them in the my existing alpine, or would it be wise to buy another amp? what do you guys think about the Kicker Kx 350.2 amp? I'm lookin for a system with excellent sound quality. Any helps welcome. Thanx
I plugged in only one sub and it was so distorted it wasn't even funny. I'm just gonna buy the kicker. Theres now way 200 watts is enough to power all of that. Not without tearin up my subs. Cuz the minimum power on those subs is 50w. I should run more like 100 or 125w. Can't cheap out if you want it to sound good
the alpine amp will have better sound quality for your subs, depending on what type of music you listen to. However RF punch stage 1's are not the greatest subs in the world either. As for the 4x6 in the doors, they make an adapter plate for like $15 that makes your door speakers so you can fit a 6.5 round in the doors. Much better sound no matter what type of speaker you go with.
I listened to some RF punch 4x6s and I like the sound. The alpine has Great sound quality thats why I wanna leave it hooked up to my speakers. I'm not really lookin for competition sound. Just great sound for the everyday. I know that the subs are not the best. But i think they'll be great for the setup I'm shooting for. With the subs I'm really just completing the sound system. and I'm plannin on makin an awesome lookin custom box. So really its just for looks and detail. Not really lookin for liscence plate rattling base. But I do want clear base so obviously I'm gonna need more power. By the way I have (2) subs. So thats (6) speakers.
ok man u need another amp to run that many speakers wth that lil power and also since the ap isnt a mono block amp u'l do damge to the voice coil in the sub and burn them out in half thge life time they should last
my brother was in the same posistion as u he wanted good sound for cheaper money since i have enuff hook ups i got him one 12's sub some 6x9's new fronts idk what size they were and a deck a total of a 5 speaker set up with one amp and the only thing attached to the amp is the sub and he loves it and truthfully for that cheap of a set up i agree it has a better sound then some systumes i've heard for more then 5 times the value like dont get me wrong i did all the instals witch made him not have to spend half the money but he only spent 300 total on @!#$ and its a good sound
so in the end if u want better sound with out losen the amp on the 6x9's just get another amp personally if ur buyin a amp i find the best bass cums from a jbl and since they have the lil dile to turn it up or down when ur sittin in the driver seat its nice if i were u buy a jbl gto 301.1ll that puts out 300 rms mono for ur subs and would power them fully and sound great i promis i'm runnin jbl gto 1201.1ll and its powerin 3 12's jbl p1222 and its very clear and very deep dont know my dp's yet tho havent tested it but thats cuz the car aint done and i just bout a diff car to put it all in so ya but ya man the jbl gto 301.1ll should be perfect for ur set up go get one
RedlineZ wrote:I plugged in only one sub and it was so distorted it wasn't even funny. I'm just gonna buy the kicker. Theres now way 200 watts is enough to power all of that. Not without tearin up my subs. Cuz the minimum power on those subs is 50w. I should run more like 100 or 125w. Can't cheap out if you want it to sound good
Wtf is minimum power?!
[qipte=evo 1586]ok man u need another amp to run that many speakers wth that lil power and also since the ap isnt a mono block amp u'l do damge to the voice coil in the sub and burn them out in half thge life time they should last
my brother was in the same posistion as u he wanted good sound for cheaper money since i have enuff hook ups i got him one 12's sub some 6x9's new fronts idk what size they were and a deck a total of a 5 speaker set up with one amp and the only thing attached to the amp is the sub and he loves it and truthfully for that cheap of a set up i agree it has a better sound then some systumes i've heard for more then 5 times the value like dont get me wrong i did all the instals witch made him not have to spend half the money but he only spent 300 total on @!#$ and its a good sound
so in the end if u want better sound with out losen the amp on the 6x9's just get another amp personally if ur buyin a amp i find the best bass cums from a jbl and since they have the lil dile to turn it up or down when ur sittin in the driver seat its nice if i were u buy a jbl gto 301.1ll that puts out 300 rms mono for ur subs and would power them fully and sound great i promis i'm runnin jbl gto 1201.1ll and its powerin 3 12's jbl p1222 and its very clear and very deep dont know my dp's yet tho havent tested it but thats cuz the car aint done and i just bout a diff car to put it all in so ya but ya man the jbl gto 301.1ll should be perfect for ur set up go get one
Can you learn some punctuation?...
Multi channel amp's don't ruin speakers, Idiots who do the installs/tuning wrong do.
Now redline you say you're going to a nice sounding system... But from what I'm reading you're going the wrong way about it... 1st off, don't keep some 2 or 3 way 4x6's in the doors, maybe try upgrading to a nice set of 6.5 inch 2 way components, properly amped up front. Ditch the rear speakers altogether, and have a nice clear sub in the back, properly powered to match the front stage. GOOD quality products....I'll do some searchin around to see what I can come up with for you if you want..or are you stickin with what you have already put down?
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
Yes, 2 amps is normaly what you need for a decent system. You need to have amps dedicated to your sub(s) and a amp dedicated to your highs/mids for decent sound within a budget. Like sndsgood said tho, its all in the setup. I am building my system atm and I will be running 2 12" Kicker Comp VR subs, 2 6.5 coponets, and 2 6x9s in the back, with a total of about 1300 watts coming out of my car. Here is my build order:
Kicker Comp VR x2
Sub Amp:
Hifonics ZXi 1006
Alpine SPR-17LS
Kicker KS693
Highs/Mids amp:
Hifonics ZXi 6406
Box: Dual 12" Vented box
Total price: $950.00 (not counting shipping/wires/ect).
So you can get a very nice system for under 1 grand. And even if you want cheaper, you can gop cheaper. Yet again, its all in your setup and how loud you want to go. 1300/1400 watts is not a lot compared to a lot of people. But I am picking goodn quality parts. and like you said, you cant expect good stuff if you go cheap. You could go buy some road master speakers... cheap... but sound horribal.
And ummm... ya dual channel amps do NOT ruin speakers.... I mean come on man. The only difference from a mono block amp and a dual channel amp is how MANY speakers you can hook up to it. If dual channel amps meesed up speakers then our cars would need 5 or 6 amps.... Do you relize how much that would cost the normal joe and how muc upgrades you would have to do to power it all? Now yes, some people have more then 5 or 6 amps, but they have Insane systems for competition quality. I think Lanman31337 has liike... 4 amps. But he has a nice system. If you build a system for $300 you are not going to be loudwe than most systems in your area, unless hardly no one knows what they are doing. Dont give out mis infomation. Also, a LOT of amps have remotes you can mount at the front of the car... both of the amps I listed above have that.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, December 09, 2006 8:59 PM
"Laying in bed one night, I said "Where did I go worng?". Then I heard a voice say "This is going to take a while..."
Yeah I figured as much on the amp. Its only common sense. I recieved (which means they were free) an Eclipse deck and the 200w alpine. Which I intend to keep hooked up to the speakers.I bought the 6x9s for 50$ (Which I am NOT giving up by the way). 500w or 600w of total power will suffice. If I wanna upgrade to more power to compete or something then I will. Man I live in hickville USA my current system is the best in the area. Just not good enough for me. I do wanna know where i can get the adapter plates for the front doors so I can run 6.5 inch speakers. Would that adapter plate be a b-i-t-c-h to put in though? Cuz its all about mounting depth right?But like I said I got some stuff free so it won't cost me a grand. I can pick up a kicker amp for $120 or I could get another alpine for $300. Hmm.
Make your own adapter out of MDF. Make sure the speakers arn't too deep though, it shouldn't be that hard to find some that will fit. CDT has a decent set of 6.5's that many people recommend/run..I think $120 on woofersetc.com? I can't remember the exact name of them, something like CL-61? 110wrms I believe. Properly amp those in the front, and if your amping th rears, fade the sound to the front...Run a decent amp/sub in the trunk and I'm sure you'll be happy.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
RedlineZ wrote:Yeah I figured as much on the amp. Its only common sense. I recieved (which means they were free) an Eclipse deck and the 200w alpine. Which I intend to keep hooked up to the speakers.I bought the 6x9s for 50$ (Which I am NOT giving up by the way). 500w or 600w of total power will suffice. If I wanna upgrade to more power to compete or something then I will. Man I live in hickville USA my current system is the best in the area. Just not good enough for me. I do wanna know where i can get the adapter plates for the front doors so I can run 6.5 inch speakers. Would that adapter plate be a b-i-t-c-h to put in though? Cuz its all about mounting depth right?But like I said I got some stuff free so it won't cost me a grand. I can pick up a kicker amp for $120 or I could get another alpine for $300. Hmm.
What kind of 6x9s do you have in the back? If you got them for $50 then they are most likely to cheap to amp good, or you just got a good deal. Also, a big stereo NO NO is *never* buy something based of the TOTAL WATTS of a item. Always go by rms Total means that they can handle that ammount of power very breifly. Even if you have the best system in your area, you still need to do what we are suggesting.
On the adapters, make your own... or you could buy some kick panels from CarDomain. They run like $120 and they fit a 6.5 and seperate tweeter very nicely and make it look stock.
Also, find out the modle numbers on these amps, dont just go by name, max watts, and channels.
"Laying in bed one night, I said "Where did I go worng?". Then I heard a voice say "This is going to take a while..."
as long as its hooked up properly you can run tons of speakers off of a single amp. the only way you are going to fry speakers and such is if you are a poor installer and dont know what your doing. i ran a complet system. 6 speakers and a sub off a single 4 channel amp that only put out 150 watts. so dont blame the equipment, blame the installer.
now that that is said. just pick up another amp maybe a 4 channel amp to run your speakers from and use the 200 watt amp for your subs.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
The 6x9s are Lightning audio and yes i know they are cheap, But much better than the roadmasters i bought my car with. Theyre made by Rockford. i'm thinkin bout buyin an Acoustic Power amp. 150 watts x 2 rms @ 4ohms. Does anybody know the sound quality on this amp. Thanks to Zatrekaz I found it for 69.99. the review on it sound good. and i think it would be a nice addition. by the way thanks for the help man that site is a really good place to buy amps. By the way i refuse to go buy component speakers. They spell pain in the ass. Full range speakers should do very nicely. I'm am gonna go with 6.5" fronts though. The adapters are fairly cheap and the RF Punch speakers I'm gettin have a mounting depth of 1-11/16s inch. By the way, i'm not totally in the dark on this stuff. Cuz I know that peak power dosn't mean @!#$.
Yes that site is really good for buying amps, wire, speakers and everything. They have 4awg wire for like $0.69/foot or something. Its not brand name and does not have as many strands as some 4awg but for the price is amazing... I have my whole system and my Big 3 running off of it.
I have never had a Power Acoustic amp... but I hear they are good. I myself am about to buy 2 Hifonic amps from there.. a 2ch and a 4ch.
But really, for the 6x9s. I would suggest buying some better ones. You can get a **decent** pair for around $100. I am looking at some Kicker KS series for $120 that are 90w rms a peice.
"Laying in bed one night, I said "Where did I go worng?". Then I heard a voice say "This is going to take a while..."
Therer was a mix up on that. i hadn't found this site before i bought the 6x9s I was told that I could put 6x9s in the front, which if I had though about it for just one second, i would have found rediculous. cuz 6x9s cant do the front speakers job.
I really wanted to go with the Boston Acoustics SX95. The one with Liquid Cooled Kortex tweeters. The other thing I don't like about the Lightning Audio is the surround is foam. If I'm right a rubber surround like the ones on the SX95s would produce tighter and more accurate base. I think on discountjungle.net they would only cost me bout $130 or $140. A worth-it price i think.
The problem is i'm only 16 with a part time job at like 5.50 an hour and I already bought the Lightning Audio ones. So I'll have to save up to buy the other ones. but yeah your right I definitly need to upgrade. I actually aquired all the wiring I would ever need from bout 20' of 4guage to miles and miles of the little @!#$. So wiring cost is not an issue.
I bought the Power Acousic amp. I'll let you know how if goes. The hifonics were a pretty good value just a little too expensive for a subwoofer amp i think.
RedlineZ wrote:Therer was a mix up on that. i hadn't found this site before i bought the 6x9s I was told that I could put 6x9s in the front, which if I had though about it for just one second, i would have found rediculous. cuz 6x9s cant do the front speakers job.
I really wanted to go with the Boston Acoustics SX95. The one with Liquid Cooled Kortex tweeters. The other thing I don't like about the Lightning Audio is the surround is foam. If I'm right a rubber surround like the ones on the SX95s would produce tighter and more accurate base. I think on discountjungle.net they would only cost me bout $130 or $140. A worth-it price i think.
The problem is i'm only 16 with a part time job at like 5.50 an hour and I already bought the Lightning Audio ones. So I'll have to save up to buy the other ones. but yeah your right I definitly need to upgrade. I actually aquired all the wiring I would ever need from bout 20' of 4guage to miles and miles of the little @!#$. So wiring cost is not an issue.
I bought the Power Acousic amp. I'll let you know how if goes. The hifonics were a pretty good value just a little too expensive for a subwoofer amp i think.
I know what you mean by the job, but you can do it. I am 17, making $7.80/hour at 25 a week. I bring home about $600/month. However, saving up is your friend, you cant expect to do anything good with sound without saving up with jobs like we can get at our age. So good for you for saving up
Now, what Power Acoustik amp did you buy? Link... because im still researching what amps I want to buy... but I think im set on 2 Hifonics for $400 for both. However, depending on what you tell me I migth change my mind.
Rubber surround is good for a speaker... however, if you have subs your 6x9s should be ojn a support role. Dont look to them for bass, because most subs will drownd them out. Set your front and rear speakers to a High Pass Fliter on your amp. That way you have 4 vocal speakers, and 2 bass speakers (subs). At least, thats what I do and it makes it sound great to me. If you got power from your subs, you dont need bass from your 6x9s.
The Boston Acustics SX95 are not a good choice, imo. They only handle 60watts rms. If you want some good speakers go with one of these, I like them
Kicker KS693 - $89.00
Alphasonik PF69C - $79.99
And if anyone knows, would the Above Alphasonik 6x9s really handle 280watts rms??
Simply look for good prices, and remeber you get what you pay for.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:09 PM
"Laying in bed one night, I said "Where did I go worng?". Then I heard a voice say "This is going to take a while..."
Also, I do not know if you would be intrested, but I have 2 12" Pioneer Subs w/ a Box and a Alpine 400watt mono amp for sale for $150 + shipping.
"Laying in bed one night, I said "Where did I go worng?". Then I heard a voice say "This is going to take a while..."
My Amp Is set to HP for the speakers. I was thinkin bout goin with the JBL power series. They handle 100w RMS and I can get them for a resonable price. I think those would do me well. I'll post the results of my experience with the amp. I havn't gotten it yet, heres the url: nullwww.sonicelectronixs.com/item_6192.htmlnull I dunno if its gonna work. I havn't ever messed with the url part so i'm just experimenting. Its the TS-620. 150watts x2 channels RMS. I like the Plasma Sphere. It'll look good with the box I'm buildin.
Url didn't go. Does this posting thing come with instructions?