Allright, My factory CD player is crapping out. My guess is I just need to take it appart and clean it out good, as country road dust tends to make things pretty dirty. If not, I suppose I'll use the excuse to buy a new stereo. My question is though, if I pull the radio out, take it in and clean it up, will that anti-theft lock out kick in, requiring me to track down that code? If so, I think I'd rather save the headach and get a new deck.
If you have a 2000-05 J-body... then it's locked to the VIN in your BCM. As long as it goes back into your car, it should be fine.
Unless you've set a separate theft code on the deck. I don't even think that's possible on the 00-05 decks tho.
Thanks. Sorry, should have specified, 2004, Cavalier. Maybe I'll try cleaning first. Just don't have much incentive to start with it being - freezing friggin' cold...Got to change the oil too....I need a garage...