My Haynes says the pink wire is hot on start, and the orange is hot all the time. Are these thick pink and orange wires going to the steering column what they are talking about? And am I correct in my assumption that the pink is the 12v ignition wire and the orange the straight 12v that need to be tapped to run and illuminate the gauges? I want to know before I go ahead and start stripping wires. Thanks
Where exactly is that harness in relation to the rest of the car?
It is the cluster of wires that go to the steering column there is another branch that goes off to the fuse box. They are underneath everything and to the left of the brake pedal.
Where the ETS module is located.
pink wire is hot on start
= hot only when cranking. You need to find one that is hot in run
Wiper fuse for example.
For illumination, use a wire that is 12v variable when the lights are on (illumination wire in the stereo harness or the dimmer switch)
No. Nevermind that was my fault. It does say Hot in Run. I misread the text. It says Hot in Run, Bulb Test or start. I read it as "on start." Thanks Robert.