Which would be louder?
I'm sure the two would be louder, it just seems right. More surface area moving = more pressure.
Is there a formula or rule of thumb I can use to find this out in the future?
Um. One speaker would throw off your entire balance unless it was perfectly centered. But yes, the 2 would be louder if the 50w and the 35w are the same size. And with that little wattage difference, there wouldn't be a substantial volume difference anyways.
lol, no, I'm not doing one speaker. :]
I'm either doing one 50W in EACH DOOR, or two 35W in EACH DOOR.
OKay wow I follow now. the 35W would be louder, yeah. More wattage total anyways. 100W vs. 140W
Just do a 3 way component set and call it a day
doubling the power is said to give you a 3db diffrence. a noticable diffrence. 2 50 watt speakers (100) versus 4 35 watt speakers (140) the 40 watts is going to give you maybe a 1.5 db diffrence. now doubling the cone area will also theoretically give you a 3 db difffrence. so between the two your looking at a theoretical 4 db diffrence.this doesnt even get into efficiency. if your 35 watt speakers arnt very eficient and the 50 watters are you may be looking at even less of a diffrence. if i remember right it takes 6 db to apear twice as loud so you will gain volume. the other thing is if your going for sound quality and any sort of a sound stage the more speakers you have the harder that is to achieve so you lose out on that. and the cost of 4 speakers is going to run you more. and at such low wattage im wondering what speakes you plan on using. i myself would rather have 2 quality speakers versus 4 so so speakers. considering 90% of what you hear is going to be coming from them.
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