I have 2 fosgate amps and a stinger 1 farad capacitor and I am getting engine noise through both amps. I have both amps grounded to rear seat bolts. Also the capacitor is grounded to rear seat bolt. Does anyone know of a better place toward trunk or rear seat were I can ground everything to get rid of engine noise. Please describe exactly were place is so, I can find it. Thank's for alll you're help.
I have my grounded there without any problems. Did you sand off all the paint before you bolted them down?
My amps are grounded there too and i don't have any problems
I have mine grounded under the removeable trunk cover over the spare tire. There is a thing in the middle of your trunk where a large bolt like thing goes in, I have mine grounded right under that, coming up through the removeable floor, and to my amp... no probs.
"Laying in bed one night, I said "Where did I go worng?". Then I heard a voice say "This is going to take a while..."
i have mine drilled into the top rear shelf on the inside of trunk, just behind where set folds down, no problems here. Got two amps there, just sand off all the paint to bare metal.
I have mine on the seat belt bolts. no problems at all
Make sure to sand off the paint (like everyone said!). If that doesn't work, try connecting both grounds (you mentioned you have some grounded to one seat bolt, some to the other) with some left over 0 or 2 or 4 gauge. Good luck!
Ban low-performance cars, not high-performance ones.