Ok a few days ago i decided to move my amp, (no ground noise were it was) I had it sitting on a false floor which was screwed down to the spare tire holder bracket. but I was in the middle of installing my carputer and needed more room so i yanked it out cut the spare tire holder bracket off and screwed the amp and a peice of plywood to the metal spare tire well floor. then yesturday i installed a new monitor in the dash to replace the other one. and now i have a very bad ground loop wine.
so i just came back inside from testing possibly causes.
1 thought that the power inverter mounted next to the amp was the problem but wasnt.
2 thought how the monitor power cables were mounted was the problem but wasnt
3 so i decided to yank the headunit and plus in one connection at a time.
came down to i have two sets of rca's feeding my amp from the head unit. so i plugged in the front speaker rca alil feedback, then i plugged in the sub rca line and there was all the feedback and hum.
so my question is, will mounting the amp directly to a metal floor and grounding the ground wire to the floor right in front of it ccause this ground loop effect? if so how would i go about fixing it? I have had the amp in the car for 3 years now and not one single ground loop problem till this week????
thanks for putting up with my long post and thanks in advance for any answers anyone can give me here
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Make sure the screws holding the amp to the wood are not going into the metal of the chassis. If they are the amp could be grounding itself through those screws and causing the noise.