Does anyone have there fan override switch with an LED hooked up so the LED actualy comes on? Right now I have a wire hooked to the fuse block fan wire to a switch, and a ground on the switch. That gets it turned on and off. I have an extra slot left on the back of the switch. To get the LED to come on how would I wire that up?
I'm confused on what your switch does. Does it force the fan on or prevent it from starting?
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd
it forces the fan to come on
put that extra slot to a ground
that should do it
so there would be 2 grounds on the switch, ill try it
yep just ground it
It uses the power going through the switch to light up, but uses its own ground.
you guys are half right. but the light only comes on when i stop the switch in the middle and not flick it up the hole way...
The way i have it set up is this
LED +| Ground
| To fan wire
| Ground
LIght only comes in in da middle
if i read this right you are using ground to actvate your fan
irf this is correct then the led+ wire should go to power