well my head unit has bit the dust. I can barely get it to work normal....so yeah. problem is I have yet to see another one like the one I have.
I own a cdx m600 and I swear it WAS a godsend. the stero when on display a great color shceme it had a motorized plate and a decent sub out put ( nothing special right) . this was of course until you turned it off. as the car powered down the headunit woul flip it self up to reveal nothing more then a black descret face plate.
no buttons, no knobs, no nothing just a black face plate. half the time people in the car had no Idea what they were looking at let alone someone trying to rob me.
the only problem I had with this unit was that it had no Audio imput. this is absoultley nesscary.
so I ask you, please help me find a head unit similar to this one. I belive that sony made a few later models I just cant find them
boobs now with Riboflabin"
I think I ran my mouth off to soon. I think that this model is the cdx M seris. I always searched cdx never tried M thanks anywho.
boobs now with Riboflabin"
BTW if anyone knows of anyother companys that make a similar model please tell me.
boobs now with Riboflabin"
maybe i am wrong here but it sounds very similar to the MASK system that kenwood employs