So amp and 4 speakers are in and im just waiting for the HU and the modls to be done, but until then i thought I would lay down the wiring, So i need your help.
From the amp, i knwo i need an amp wiring kit, are the ones at circuit city (tsunami) for 100 bucks a good deal, or does someone have a link to a better kit?
For RCA Cables again is tsunami good, or is it worth it for the monster cable version. I need fron the front and rear as well so a price idea would be good.
For the speaker wiring is monster cable good, or whatabout the generic they sell at radio shack?
THanks again, and how much do you think i am going to be spending on wiring so i have an idea.
thanks again!! can get the 4 gauge wiring kit for like 50 bux......and the rca's will be fine which are also on ebay
I do not see why you are paying so much for the wiring kit. You can get them at better price from your local shops, or even off the internet, like, even ebay has them for alot less then $100. The last wiring kit that I bought, I maybe paid $30 for it off of the internet, and that was for a 1000 watt kitt with a double fuse bolck for 2 amps. Do not waste your money on something as simple as wire. The RCA cables, go with what you want, but me personnaly I would not use the monster cables. I think that they just want way to much for them, just use your normal audio RCA cables. Circut City is basically a rip off, go somewhere else and get your wiring kit, and do not pay for the name. I need Y split for my 4 channel amp, went to local shop and they wanted $30 for only 1 of them, only because it had the name of JL Audio on it. So I went to Radio Shack, bout the Y splits that I needed for $4 each, not a problem at all. So it is like this, do not spend the money on something just because there is a name on it, especially when it is nothing more than wires.
I would definitely recommend investing in twisted pair RCAs. For the speakers, the stock wiring is fine, you'd have to be running a good ammount of power before that wiring wouldn't be able to handle it.
-Chris all you need for wiring stuff.
raptor is the lowest line metra makes......they also make tsunami and a few other brands