i had bought a jvc cd player about a month ago. me and my brother in law took out the stock one and put this one in. about two days ago i noticed that my tail lights did not light up at night when i turned on my headlights. i took the cd player to check all of the wiring and one of the wires had come off. i put the wire back together and it worked. as i was plugging the antenna in, it just stopped working. i decided to see if the stock radio would work and it did. when u program the stations and turn off the car, the next time u start the car u have to reprogram eveything. is this due to some wires being loose or what?? both of the radios are messed up now. what should i do if anything?
What kinda of car do you have?
You wired something wrong if you mess up your lights, your lights ARE NOT run through the radio harness. Did you tap a fuse, what fuse?
The reason you have to re program the radio is probably because you have a 2000+ which does not have a constant 12 volt in the harness you have to find one and provide it. Read the sticky on this.
its a 1999 cavalier. the lights work now so that is not a problem..it was just a blown fuse. i think that i just pulled too hard on the wire attached in the car and something came loose. is there a way that it can be fixed u think?? im taking it to a place on friday or them to look at so hopefully it can be fixed. thanks