i just bought a sony mex r5 cd/dvd player what can i connect the wire that goes to the parking brake wire to so that i can play dvds without the parking brake on?
suckin ain't fuqin, and eatin ain't cheatin'
suckin ain't fuqin, and eatin ain't cheatin'
Yes, he said usually. I see it big as life. Try the ground. You do realise it is illegal to have the screen open in front of the driver's compartment with the vehicle in motion.
yeah, well its illegal to go 10 over the speed limit, have tinted windows too dark, and have a loud stereo, but none of it really matters unless you get caught
suckin ain't fuqin, and eatin ain't cheatin'
its also illegal to even have a house tv sitting in your front seat even if your moving it from one town to another, but yes hook the pink up to the ground
if its illegal to even have a screen in view of the driver then why do they make in-dash dvd players with flip out screens?
suckin ain't fuqin, and eatin ain't cheatin'
Because when you're driving, they're supposed to have the screen closed. That's why the wire goes to the e-brake.
reddogg121212 wrote:i just bought a sony mex r5 cd/dvd player what can i connect the wire that goes to the parking brake wire to so that i can play dvds without the parking brake on?
I have the same exact head unit in my cavy. Ground it.
My installation
thanks guys
suckin ain't fuqin, and eatin ain't cheatin'