hey. i was wondering if anyone could direct towards some info on locating the BCM on a 2001 cavalier. i already know the general area it is in, i just want some pictures of what it looks like and how to get to it. thanks.
Look in the driver side kick panal behind the carpet. Its a large black box with 3 connectors going into it, and says BCM on it.
It's above the carpet, below the dash.
Here's a sorta-pic:
Look to the left of the steering column (yellow ring is the column, for the airbag wiring). There's a white/yellowish plastic tray that the BCM clips into. That's it.
(WAY above the carpet)
Heres a pic of the BCM from my 2000 sunfire. its just above the green connector which is behind the carpet.
I hope this helps: