I'm sure it's been asked a million times and i did search. Even looked at the stickys. what size is the radio? 1? 1.5? Can i squeeze a 2 in there? Any help is appreciated thnx
1.5 unless it's a 2000+ then i beleve it's 2 but the opening is not 2.
you might be able to get a 2 in there with some moddin'
i believe you are right thomas, it is 1.5 din on anything older than a 2000. and you should be able to get a double din to fit in the 2000+ j-body.
ive got a pioneer headunit in my 98 cavalier that is a din and a half, bought it off my boss who had it in his lumina. works great. bought it for $50 CDN w/ the harness pre-solderd and the FM addapter too.
Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
yea i got a 2k5. i got a pioneer in there now, and there is still some space to work with. I'm gonna go down to the local shop and see if they can modify it to accept a 2. thanks for the help
the only thing that i think is stopping that car from accepting the double din is the trim pannel, though im not 100% sure.
anyways, it may take some work, so have fun with that.
Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
DIN 180 x 50 mm There is no depth in the DIN specs
DIN2 180 x 100 mm
the stock radio is 180 x 100 x 165mm
you should be able to get it in with some modification
GOOD LUCK and post your results!