Alright, so yesterday I was working on my car, pulled out the gauges to repair the membrane on the back because the backlights werent working... Turns out I blew the circuit near the start of it, explains why the backlights werent working and all the others worked. So I soldered that back together and threw it back in. Then I went out and bought some distribution blocks from canadian tire (no fuses, goes from 4ga. to 4 8 gauge wires so I dont have to tape the big wires to the small wires for my amp because the 4 ga wires are too big for the amp. But after finishing all this and putting new ends on the 10 gauge wires and reconnecting the amp, the deck stopped working. It reads and plays the CDs, but I get no sound, not even from the subs. The blue lights arent working either, so I figured somethin wasnt getting enough power (it does that when the car idles in the cold), all the wires are fine, all fuses are fine... Maybe the deck's just dead? I got the cheap $112 jensen CD/MP3 deck from Walmart.
I dont have the receipt anymore so I'm boned for return/replacement. If there's another remedy for this other than replacing the deck, please let me know before I spend more $$$ on a new one (I wont buy one so cheap this time though)
why is 4 ga wire to big for the amp?
whats the 10 guage for?
what amp you using?
did you reconnect the amp with the car on?
Did you check your rca's?
did you check your fuses?
fuses are all good (checked all of them except the tubular fuses for the commandstart, etc.) 4 ga is too big physically, so I spliced it with an un-fused distro-block into 2 feet of 10 gauge wire so that I can get power to the amp without risk of shorting it out on the ground wire. RCA's are fine, everythings connected exactly how it was before I took out the amp and gauge. I'm using a 160w RMS @ 2 ohm Kenwood amp (its and older mono block amp). I reconnected the amp with the acc on the car (so just the clock, radio and amp are on), never had a problem with it before in any installs though.
I think maybe one of the speakers physically connected to the deck may be shorting out on something. I'll check that later.
All the speakers are fine, no connections came loose or are shorting out... might be the deck itself
If I do have to replace the deck, I figure with my new job I may as well replace the entire system except the wiring. If the new deck has the same problem, then I'll know its a wiring problem
argh, sorry about the triple post, forgot to mention I'll be getting a complete lanzar system. Are they any good? The guy at MJ audio said he's never heard of 'em.
The Optidrive line is good.
your fried the DAC and or the DSP. To put this perspective you are looking at a 80 to 110 $ to get it fixed at any shop with an Electronics specialist.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
or $112 to replace the damn thing

Already replaced it, yes it was the deck that wasn't workin

the new one works