well im in the middle of putting a pioneer deck i got off my friend for free i got the dash everything off i got my harness n dash kit i forgot completly that i need the wiring guide from the pioneer harness.. does anyone have it off hand really quick?? THANX!! i mostly need the speakers L R F B .. ect
What model # is it?
09 HHR LS, Wife's Car
05 Cavalier, Clarion DXZ375MP, Autotek MM8000.5 & 13Kv.2, wife's old car, updates coming soon
grey = left front
white = right front
purple = left rear
green = right rear
(black stripe = negative)
red = switched power
yellow = constant power
black = ground
blue/white = remote turn on
blue = power antenna
pink = illumination
I think that's pretty universal.
the harness and th deck matched perfect i didnt know i had never used a harness..lol thanx tho!
U have the front speakers and back speakers backwards...
White, White/Black - Left front
Grey, Grey/Black - Right front
Green, Green/Black - Left rear
Purple, Purple/Black - Right rear
Illumination can also be orange
Oops... heh.. my bad. I was going off memory while at work. Bad combo
i wonder which way my balance goes.... heh....?