Today I was wiring a new batch of LEDs into my console area (2 to light up my drinkholders and 5 under my automatic shifter panel to light up the letters and numbers)
During this install, I turned the headlights on and off several times to make sure each LED was lighting as I hooked them up (ther are wired into the old bulb socket that used to hold the stock bulb that lit the letters and numbers in white) and that everything worked before taping it all up. My door chime would of course come on each time since the doors were both open. I have an aftermarket head unit with the door chime harness.
Anyway, at some point the door chime/headlight warning started beeping and would NOT stop. I tried turning the car on and driving it around the block, nothing stopped it until I disconnected the battery and reconnected it a few minutes later.
Any theories as to what the hell happened? I'm not really a fan of having to disconnect the battery unless its absolutely necessary and now I'm afraid to turn off the car if the lights are on for fear I may open the door and have the chime get stuck again...
You know what... that happened to me too man when I was doing my Cathodes... I probably wasn't messing with the same wires, but my chimes would not shut up. I put the key in the ignition and turned the car on and turned it off and it worked... havn't had a problem since.
That's crazy man...
BHAHAHAHAHA It's happened to me before too!! What a nightmare!!
I wasn't even messing with any wiring ... for example, it happened to me when I had the car off & key OUT of the ignition, and quickly flashed the headlights on and off..
then the chimes would NOT turn off!! it was SOO annoying, I couldn't figure out how to turn them off.. I tried lights on, lights off, door open, door closed, car on, car off, ebrake on, ebrake off, etc etc and finally it eventually stopped chiming.
it was really embarrasing because i was at a readlight, and pulled my handbrake slightly up and down a few times quickly ... and it happened then ... so I had to drive around like that :p
very annoying. I have an aftermarket headunit with the chimebox also.
I've had the same thing happen but also wasn't messing with wires. I usually just close my doors, turn car to acc., turn car on or any order of those 3 and it'll stop.
Thats why you dont buy that stupid door chime mod adapter thing....tends to freak out at times. Just wire up your deck with out it, youll loose your door chime but that thing gets annoying at times haha.
1999 Pontiac Sunfire GT
Team Gates
yup, ive got a gmrc-01 from metra and it freaks sometimes. i open the door, and turn the parking lights on, then off. works for me
mecp certified installer#39272