Fr those of you familiar with dvd players, what could be wrong ? I just installed a Kenwood KVT 715 DVD Player, and the screen doesnt come up, the stereo works fine but any buttons attached to the screen do not work-----volume, fastforward, rewind orpause buttons dont work, any ideas? I checked the wiring is ok. I have a fused wire to the battery, the ACC is attached to fuse box. Any help would be appreciated!
Is it new or used? I've seen a lot of flip outs have the ribbon cable inside break. If it's new I would take it back or at least get it serviced under warrenty.
actually someone ripped out of my car so i was trying to put it back in. Anyway you say that the ribbon is the one that works the monitor part?
Most of them use a small ribbon cable to connect the controls on the screen to the deck. Evenually from the constant bending the cable breaks and needs replaced. The cable itself isn't bad, like around ten bucks, but they usually charge 50-75 for the labor to put it in.
do you know wher i should ask for the repairs?
Any audio shop should be able to do it, or you could contact Kenwood directly to have them service it.
tnx chris, well appreciated