hello all
have not been here in a long time my daughter has a 90 sbird it has the 3 1/2" round speakers up front SHE keeps blowing them up the last set was a nice 2 way pair of boston accoustics any way this is about 3rd set she has wasted i purchased a replacement set for her i'll stop right here and say i do not have a lot of car audio savvy
any way she does not have an amp just a decently powerfull alpine deck
it came to me that trying to pass the heavy bass notes thru these weeny little speakers might not be such good idea
so is there something i can wire in with these speaker s so as to cross them over at maybe 1500 hz or so some kind of inductor or cap or something and would it go series or parallel
it says these speakers are good from 80 to 20khz somehow i dont think so
regards and thanks in advance 2088bob
Bass blockers found just about anywhere car audio is sold.
Maybe about 10 bucks tops.
I somehow see myself having same problems your having in 6 years with my daughter.
I think she is pushing the speakers to the max. Turning up the deck all the way with the mass maxed out too. Just because its loud untill there is smoke coming out the doors.
Good luck and stay away from subs and amps.....
You could use a simple capacitor. You will have to figure out the correct value though.
personlly i'd have her buy new speakers since she keeps turning it up to high and blowing them. soon as she realises how much they cost to replace i'm sure she will learn how to adjust the volume from there on out. chances are even crossed over she will still continue to turn the stereo up until clipping occurs and continue to blow the speakers.
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