question about led set up. well here is the deal, i dont know if this is in the right fourm, but its my best guess. i have been working on some led tails, and i wired them in groups of 3. 1 resister on the neg. of each three leds. well i had them all wired up, and they were working running on a 9 volt battery. well i took them out to the car to check the brightness, and when i connected the wires to the battery terminals it through sparks and tryed to weld the ends of my wires to the battery. now this is were i am confused, i did the math to work on 13.8 volts, and even double checked it. but when i went back with the 9volt the array no longer works. so my question is, how the hell do i figure out what the hell blew, and hows the best way to prevent this... any ideas???? thanks
well to let everyone know... i dont know what the @!#$ happened, but once i came back from lunch, they were working fine again. so i double checked everything, and we are good. having some trouble with theturn signal, but thats a work in progress.... newaz thanks