After finding out my trunk was leaking b/c the body shop did not properly install my trunk, i decided to move my system out of my trunk to my back seat. When i was unhooking everything, the battery cable and the ground made contact and blew the fuse so I got a new fuse. I got my trunk fixed now and moved my system back in the trunk and rehooked it up, but now there is barely any bass. I checked all the wires and all are hooked up right, and adjusted the controls on the amp and still barely have any bass. Any clue whats wrong?
check your remote wire i had that happen to me yesterday and i dident catch it untill the remote wire caught on fire but i replaced that and everything worked untill today but thats because i fried my deck
i got it figured out, but its still messed up. I unplugged the wire that runs from the amp to the headunit for the right speaker and the bass came back on. Both speakers still work, but now they just bounce at the same time? Idk if its the head unit or what?
try to unplug one RCA n see if they hit harder
try swapping the + and - wires on ONE or your speakers
Brandon Schmidtz: try to unplug one RCA n see if they hit harder
I did that and its a lot louder, but it both speakers bounce at the same time like I only have one sub.
Labotomi: try swapping the + and - wires on ONE or your speakers
I'll try that tomm and see how that goes
Well Labotomi was right, i never woulda thought of that, guess when i rehooked it up i didnt put it back right. Thanks Labotomi!