They are going for really cheap on ebay ( like 300 with shipping and all ), brand new, and they are a legit Pioneer product. What I've understood is that they're the Euro version of the N1 or N2, and so they come with the Europe DVD. No big deal I guess? What can I expect out of it? Does it have as many SOUND options as the regular pioneer headunits?
I'm going to guess it won’t work because of the whole DVD region thing but I don’t know
cavi sedan is right. dvd discs have region mapping encoded in them. so if you dont mind having a dvd player that doesnt play your disc then your fine.. and as for the nav discs i dont know if the us maps would read in the unit either. you can call pioneer tech line and they could tell you for sure. 1-800-PIONEER and ask for mobile video tech support. hope this helps. and as far as options i think they are the same.