well i was about to buy 100square feet on ebay for 130.00 shipped isthis a good deal is there better deals also how much will 10sq ft cover.. trunk.. wut else ect thanx
i also read that you have to do several layers?.. is thi true is fatmat good enough just to do one layer? all i have is 2 sony p5's and a 1600 watt amp but it rattles bad.. it seems like its mostly the latch in the trunk ect.. and the decklid
Fatmat= you get what you pay for.
Put that crap on and it will be melting/peeling off in a couple of months, especially when you do multiple layers which is required with that crap. Look up elemental designs edead v1se. $1.50 a square foot, but the stuff is really durable. I used 50ft^2 on my trunk/rear shelf
the edead vise is where i hear u have to use multiple layers.. that edead is actually cheaper then fatmat its like 100.00 for 120 sq. ft
either way u didnt answer my question much will 100 sq. feet cover??
I'm guessing approximately 100 sq. feet.
100 sq, ft, should put a decent layer on most of the car. wether you do multiple layers or not depends on how quiet u want it. most of that stuff all works the same. if you use a heat gun like your supposed to you shouldnt have any problems with it falling off. im using over 350 sq. ft. on my car wich gave me about 3 layers on everything. wich at 140dbs u can barely hear it outside the car.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
I don't like my FatMat as much as my Dynamat eXtreme, I have both.
The fatmat is bubbleing, as stated above. And under the trunk carpet the black part of it looks like is is getting gooey, and more like tar. Smearing out from under the edges.
you get what you can afford, but I found out the hard way.
sndsgood wrote:most of that stuff all works the same.
Works the same, but is made of differant materials. Fatmap/edead/dynamat original are all asphalt based dampeners, which melt at very low tempratures. And when they melt they turn to tar, which will ruin an interior with stains and smell like no other. Dynamat extreme, SS damplafier pro are all butyl rubber which melt and high tempratures, much higher then achievable in a car.
If you are looking for cheap butyl rubber look on www.partsexpress.com
i covered my entire interior except the firwall behind the dash assembly and the roof, there was plenty left over, i even added extra layers in the trunk and rear deck where i thought may be a problem area. my expectations were apparently too high but most of the rattles were gone, my spare still rattled in the well at times but i threw the piece that held it down into a field one day so it bounced around all the time anyways. the stuff does "bleed" fairly well too, i would pay extra attention to cleaning and adhereing to the inside of the trunk lid.
i am considering spraying the interior if i have to deaden the vert at all, which might be a little pointless with the uber quiet canvas top.
Hey not to high jack but i have a question about that stuff. I heard of "brownbread" its just like dynomat but weighs less. What do u guys think of that stuff and should i use that stuff or just rubber spray my trunk and deck??
DO NOT USE UNDERBPDY SPRAY. That is meant for exterior use only, and that smell will never leave your car, trust me I'v made that mistake. brownbread is not like dynamat, but it does weigh less, because it is thinner.
Sound deadening mats are based on mils, which millimeters thickness of the mat. The thicker the mat, the more weight, equale more deadening. You can buy this cheap stuff and have to use multiple layers to equal one layer of the good stuff, or you can buy the good stuff and use one layer and not have to worry about melting or peeling. Dynamat extreme 36ft^2 is $100 and browbread/fatmat is 100ft^2 for $100, why do you think this is?
i bought that combo and i put one layer on the doors, floor, roof, trunk, and trunk lid. unfortunately my car is black and when it was outside, it did start to melt the glue a little bit because of the extreme heat of florida and being black paint. i think some of the stuff on the roof also has fallen off. but oh well w/e. basically, i was able to do everything, with almost none left.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
so do you guys think that edead is better then fatmat?.. edead is only 100.00 for 120sq. ft which seems like a good deal.. so basically i wil have enough to do my trunk completly. the thing the 6x9's sit on and my door panels.. firewall?? pretty much everything i want with 120sq ft?
i have covered the inside of my trunk with 50 sq feet of fat mat, and have my interior out right now to do the rest of the car. I still have 150 more feet of it sitting at home. It made a REALY difference in the trunk area (doubled up in some places). When it comes to sound deadners, don't listen to the "you get what you pay for" line. Read reviews on all the different mats, and they all perform almost identically, and are just made with different materials. I've also used underbody spray, and the smell does NOT last forever...only lasted 3 days for me for the inside of my car. Sure you can spend WAY more for dynamat if you wanted to, but i'd rather use the difference in price and buy something else considering it may be only a little bit better.
why not just spend $100 on 36 sq ft. of Dynemat eXtreme on eBay?
you will get 9 4 sq. ft pieces.
3 is more than enough to do your roof. The rest if you do it nicely, and trim is to fit instead of just throwing it on will be enough to cover most of the rest, then buy more as needed. And unless your gonna take apart your entire car, don't get 100 sq. ft. You have alot left over.
This was about half of my 36 sq ft pack of Fatmat, the rest I put under the back seat, and gave a piece to a friend. With it trimmed nicely it takes ALOT less produc to cover the trunk.

This is 2.5 pieces of eXtreme on the roof, you can add more if needed. But they say 1sq inch will deaden about 1 sq ft of metal.
James (ROLN19S) (JuicyJ) wrote:why not just spend $100 on 36 sq ft. of Dynemat eXtreme on eBay?
y not spend 100 on 3x + as much??
Brandon Schmidt wrote:James (ROLN19S) (JuicyJ) wrote:why not just spend $100 on 36 sq ft. of Dynemat eXtreme on eBay?
y not spend 100 on 3x + as much??
Because you are going to have to use 3 times as much to get the same effect.
i have used both and i didnt see any diff. anytime i do any car i use fatmat now. i really prep the surface well and i havent had any problems. ive had fatmat in my other car for almost 2 years now and its fine.
there is NO WAY dynamat xtreme is 3 times better than fatmat. Check reviews and people who test the stuff... there is minimal difference between the 2.
ok i hear @!#$ bout fatmat.. now its good?..lol which is better fatmat or the edead stuff?
Brandon Schmidt wrote:James (ROLN19S) (JuicyJ) wrote:why not just spend $100 on 36 sq ft. of Dynemat eXtreme on eBay?
y not spend 100 on 3x + as much??
Go buy your own products if your gonna ask for help and then nitpik and criticize the replies.
I wrote I had both products, the FatMat is failing to hold together. Someone stated above as to why.
Have fun with your ride. Learn the hardway.
one last thing, i woudl def say save your money and buy extreme because one layer of that will do the job of 3 layers of fat mat!!!!
hm.. i dont see why it would peel.. if it peels in one day obviously you didnt clean the surface well like your suppose to.