PROPER way to install 6x9's + grills? - Audio & Electronics Forum

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PROPER way to install 6x9's + grills?
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 1:33 PM
Well, I've had my car torn apart for the past week because I blew my infinity reference 6x9's, and had to send them back for warranty replacement.

The way I did it myself is I took out the stock speakers, took off the little plastic spacer thing off the stock speaker and put it on the new speakers ... they didn't fit very well though.

since infinity has new speakers for this year, and that's what they are replacing my old ones with, I wanted to see if there was any size difference in the new ones. the new models are slightly bigger, and definitally don't fit into the plastic spacer things properly..

whats the proper way to install these things? just drill them straight into the rear deck metal? I also want to cut out the carpet on the rear deck and install the supplied grills, they look really nice. what's the proper way of doing that? i notice there are pre-cut pin holes in the cardboard.. should I use that as a template?

thanks for the info! (i tried searching, but came up empty handed..)


Re: PROPER way to install 6x9's + grills?
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 9:10 PM
What i did was use the holes in the board of the rear deck as a template, just cut out the oval shape, CONSTANTLY test fitting the 6x9's in the hole so u dont go to big on one side or n e thing, then once you have a good fit, with the 6x9 sitting flat on the carpet (from the top) then drill through the board where the holes are in the speakers. using washers on the bottom bolt the speakers directly to the board. The grills then sit on top.

/------------------------\ Top view Side view
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Note* put the speakers in the rear deck while it is out of the car.... however putting it in is a bit of a trick if ur speakers are pretty deep. you will have to bend your rear deck in the center just enough to slide the deck back enough for speakers to drop through the stock speak holes
Re: PROPER way to install 6x9's + grills?
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 4:31 PM
thanks for the reply. I will get my speakers in the mail friday and have the whole weekend to play with it

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