I love this site, however I was wondering if someone could write a stock wiring color sticky. Heaven knows I could have used one yesterday. I have seen other "Sites" diagrams and not a one gave me a discritption of what I had. I was replacing the stock 6x9's in my 98 Z24 and came across the most messed up color scheme I have ever seen. The diagrams that I had come across were speaking of Blue, Light Blue, Brown and purple as the stock colors for a GM Radio. Great I had Blue, Green, Yellow and Brown. Lots of help there. So I parused the board here and came across the helpful post to someone elses question (and I am paraphrasing here) of "just google it. The information is out there". Guess he didn't really know either. I think I have it all worked out. Korn sounded fine with no distortion but what do I know? My hearing hasn't been right since hearing Black Sabbath live in '79.
"You must realize one day you are going to die. Until then you are useless to us."-Tyler Durden
Thanks Mate that really helped. And for any one else here is how it breaks down
Constant 12V+ Orange
Switched 12V+ Yellow
Ground Black
Illumination Gray
Dimmer Brown
Antenna Trigger Pink
Antenna Right Front
Front Speakers 4" x 6" Doors
Left Front (+) Tan
Left Front (-) Gray
Right Front (+) Light Green
Right Front (-) Dark Green
Rear Speakers 6" x 9" Rear Deck
Left Rear (+) Brown
Left Rear (-) Yellow
Right Rear (+) Dark Blue
Right Rear (-) Light Blue
"You must realize one day you are going to die. Until then you are useless to us."-Tyler Durden