I'm mounting two orion 1200d's behind my rear seat (2 door), i already have a trim pannel made that sits flush behind the fold down seat, and i'm going to cut two holes in it so that you can see the amps but not the wiring.
My question is, i'm going to mount the amps to some MDF, but how should i mount the MDF to the car? It's going to need to be at an angle, so i was thinking maybe some metal straps. The problem i see with that is, it'd be REALLY easy to take a pair of tin snips, and get both amps out really quick.
If anyone has any ideas, i'd really appreciate it, because i'm kind of at a loss right now.
Do you have anything in your rear deck?
I dont, So the way id go is mount them upside down, you dont see them that way, unless you lean far into the trunk.
i have 6.5's in the rear deck, and the amps are pretty big too. I'd like to mount them so you can see them also.
If you're going to mount them upside-down, I'd strongly suggest buying amp fans or some form of cooling because the heatsink doesnt really work when the heat doesnt get to it.
I made a board behind my backseat...
Its such a tight fit, that it holds itself in place... I had to use a large hammer and a 2x4 to wedge it in there...
Its sitting right in front of the 6x9 magnets and just wedged into the trunk floor...
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/reddevil/Devil.jpg>
screw tthe board to the back seat but don't use screws that are too long for obvious reasons. i did mine the same way but i screwed the amps directly to the back seat and ran the wires under the carpet on the back of the seat the only ones that won't fit are the 4 ga power and ground wires.
Fast isn't always good, looks and sound is sometimes better
Yeah, that's what i had figured i should do. I think i'm going to use angle brackets and screw into the strut towers. I'll post pictures when it's done, hopefully it'll look sweet once it's sueded.