I don't have my car here (it's in the shop), but when it gets back, i'm planning on installing a pannel to mount my amps on. I'm going to mount them a few inches (2-8) behind the rear seat, when it's folded down (i have a '99 cavalier 2 door).
I was wondering if i can drill there? The spot i'm thinking about is in between the back seat and the spare tire well. I'll be using 1 1/2'' screws, through metal straps, so they'll probably be going 1 1/4'' through. If anyone knows, or has another suggestion on how to mount my amps, that would be great.
shouldnt be a problem i mounted my box in my trunk of my 90 sunbird and im gonna be doing it soon too my 04 z24 as soon as i get off my lazy ass and do it
Damn, i just didn't want to go to the hardware store... especially since i want my amps screwed in with the security screwes (allen head with a bump in the middle). I guess i'll just dremel the end off and call it good.
Thanks guys.