i have recently obtained a free, no name alarm system that i would like to install into my '01 cavalier 2dr 5 speed. i have a haynes manual for my car with all the wiring diagrams and all but it doesnt help me with where physically to run my wires, just schematically. i have attached the diagram that came with manual for the alarm and i was hoping you all could help me specifically on where to connect my wires?
i know it seems like i dont know what the hell im doing but i just have no idea where to connect the wires. please help.
Put the shock sensor on some kinda metal sturdy piece of the car and bolt it down tight. I/p means input port, o/p means output port. The things that say channel 1-4 are auxillaries that you can hook a relay to and have it honk your horn or turn on you headlights or something. Siren goes to the siren... foot brake can go on the brake switch above the pedal i believe. Positive door and neg. door switches you can tap off the dome light if you wanted too. Figure if a door opens the dome goes on. Chassis Ground could go on a metal peice behind the dash somewhere thats unpainted or the paint could be removed.
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12volts red + ignition harness
Starter yellow + ignition harness
Ignition pink + ignition harness
Power Lock lt. blue either kick panel
Notes: Non keyless cars, locks are 5wi (type C) and they are mastered from the passenger side switch. Keyless cars, locks are positive trigger (type A). Also found at BCM.
Power Unlock white either kick panel
Notes: Non keyless cars, locks are 5wi (type C) and they are mastered from the passenger side switch. Keyless cars, locks are positive trigger (type A). Also found at BCM.
Lock Motor gray drivers kick panel
Unlock Motor tan drivers kick panel
Disarm Defeat tan passengers kick panel
Parking Lights+ brown harness to rear, dkp
Parking Lights-
Turn Signal(L)
Turn Signal(R)
Door Trigger grn/blk & lt. blue -
Notes: The green/black is located in the lower drivers kick panel. It catches the drivers door only. The light blue is located in the lower passenger kick panel, and catches the passenger door(s). Tap both wires and diode isolate each. Also found at BCM.
Dome Supervision
Trunk/Hatch Pin black - trunk light
Hood Pin
Trunk/Hatch Release black/white + BCM
Notes: The BCM is located to the left of the steering column above the kick panel.
Power Sliding Door
Factory Alarm Arm
Factory Alarm Disarm
Disarm No Unlock
Tachometer purple/white engine harness
Notes: The engine harness is found next to the battery, below the radiator hose, just above the transaxle.
Horn Trigger black - steering column
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/reddevil/Devil.jpg>
the two relays are for doorlocks, the actuator there is pictured for aftermarket door locks. you would have to purchase two routers if you wanted keyless entry...
this is all very confusing... hmm.. mostly because i dont have alot of the things these wires hook up to... now sense i dont have anything to connect the green and the blue wire to do i just leave them unconnected to anything, should i connect them together?? i want the brain to know that there is nothing there or trick it into thinking it is connected to something, that way it still functions correctly and doesnt think the door are open when their not.... you know what i'm saying? what do i do?
{sigh} i might just give up... its not like i paid any money for this thing... but i feel like i am in over my head. help a brotha out fellas.
i got two posts that are very simplictic and one that is too complex. can some one average it out for me? thanks for your help guys.
If you don't have power door locks then you just leave the blue and green alone, do not connect them to anything. Same goes for all the extra output channels. So you'll want to hook up the red, black, and white wires from the harness on the right, and all the wires from the harness on the left and you'll be good to go.
diode should be a 1N4004 (they are rated for 1 amp and 400 V)
14.82 @ 97 mph
if you look at the diagram, i have a positive door switch wire and a negative one (the purple and green). now do i diode isolate both doors to the positive wire? and if so what do i do with the negative door switch wire. thanks jasonoshawaz24 for the diode recommendation, i will be getting 2 of them tomorrow at radio shack.
oh and by the way if i want to diode isolate my trunk to this same thing i can do that right? add three diodes? if so is it the black/white wire from the trunk?
ok the foot brake wire is a white one above the brake, correct?
siren (o/p + 1A) means? i have a siren with two wires a red and a black. im assuming i ground the black one and connect this brown siren wire from the main unit to the red wire on the siren. if this is correct do i need to put a fuse in or something? i am asking because of the 1A.
headlight on warning (I/P+) goes to which wire in the car?
from the main alarm unit i have 2 white wires that are the hazard lights (O/P+5A). do i connect one white wire to the left turn signal and the other to the right turn signal? a light blue from the switch assembly for the left and dark blue for the right?
im also still very confused with the difference between ignition and ACC and starter....
from the relay that they gave me...
thick yellow ignition coil wire goes where?
the other 12c thick yellow... is that just a plain positive wire?
the ACC(I/P+) wire is the same wire i used that makes my radio turn on when i turn the key?
please help... im trying to finish installation, right now im driving around with our kick panels, and dash. lol not a pretty site.
thanks for the help i have recieved thus far.
on another note about diodes, any high current rectifier diodes should work. 1N5006 's rated for 400V at 3A
i'm guessing for the door switch your brain is configured to use either one depending on what car system you have. wire all 3 and diode isolate to the same one.
14.82 @ 97 mph
well i havent revieved sufficient enough help to complete installation... thanks alot
if you guys know what you are doing then how come you cant tell me which wires to tap into? telling me that i need the right turn signal and left signal wires does not help me one bit! if you could tell me that it is the green wire located at a harness at the bottom part of the BCM between a grey and blue wire that would help me... do you see what im saying.. i need specifics because generals dont help when you are dealing with wiring. i have never recieved a lack of help like this on any other forum. its not like im asking for information on something that has never been done before. christ!
the notes above are pretty good. you will have to scour and search.
RedDevil's post was pretty good, all the major wires are right there. If you want to get it done right the first time, search, compare notes, and test your wires with a DMM before you do anything.
Channel wires (1-4) are for add-on modules like you said.
Amperage ratings (500ma) mean that you can't drive a circuit that has lights, solenoids, or anything big on it. Instead you wanna run it through relays, already covered by your diagram.
I/P is input
O/P is output
Everything you wanted to know about making solder connections properly
14.82 @ 97 mph
i have a digital multimeter and i was checking for continuity with the wires but that thing beeps at every wire you touch.. i never really used the other settings of a multimeter to check for voltage and amperage. i am trying to trace wires from where they start its all very agrivating. i have an acquaintance i know who works at the car electronics dept. of circuit city. maybe he can lend a helping hand in person. and i'll slip him a $20 or something.
i already have the doors diode isolated to one wire, which i will connect to the negative door wire of the brain. i used the 1n4004 diodes. and i got the polarity on them correct.
putting in a car audio system is alot less complicated than doing an alarm. running your own wires is suprisingly easier than trying to tap into existing ones.
i cant find a tutorial on this online which i thought you would be able to. one with pictures and all.
reddevil provided helpfull information with the door wires. but i dont know where and what color the turn signals are.
12volts red + ignition harness------ does this go to the thick yellow on my diagram?
Starter yellow + ignition harness----- does this go to the ACC+ wire?
Ignition pink + ignition harness ---- does this go to the other thick yellow ignition coil wire?
the trunk light has 2 black wires and a white one going to it. which black one do i use? if there are 2 black wires dont you see the point of providing specifics?!?!
headlight on warning wire from the brain goes to what color wire in the car and where?
i have a haynes manual but its just schematics. i can follow a schematic pretty well, but some of the things seem off. in the hanyes manual it says there are more wires and of different colors coming from for instance from the turn signal switch...