I just bought an apparatus that splits the cigarette lighter plugin into 2. It was working fine yestereday but this morning the splitter was non-functional. I opened it up to find a 2amp 250v fuse in it that had obviously blown.
Can I put a higher amp fuse in it to make it work right? Or is there a problem with my cigarette lighter apparatus?
if your blowing it i wouldnt go higher you're overloading it....get a seaprate wiretap and a separate fuse for whatever it is ur doing
What have you plugged into it?
<img src="http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v290/americonium/Heavy_weight.jpg ">
I have a radar detector, 2 neon tubes with strobes, and another strobe plugged into mine *with the help of splitters of course*and no blown fuses what on earth do you have hooked into that thing?