Ok, i own a 1999 Z24. As you know the trunk opens by a button on the key thing that unlocks and locks. i want a alarm that has a remote start, good alarm, and a button to open the trunk....idk what else i would need so what do you guys think.....i was looking at this one...http://www.autopagesystems.com/t_inside.cfm?action=products&catID=1004&prodID=FC4DA653-7F35-48D8-9C9A-5F6FD435F2AC
is that too much...not enough? do u know of one as good as that cheaper? cuz its around 400$
my car if it would help you at all....
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
That's a little overkill if all you want is arm, disarm, trunk, and start. Take a look at the AutoPage 520 if you want one with the LCD remote. If you don't need that you could go to the RF410. I've had two Autopage alarms, and I've been very happy with both of them.
any chance you could give me the link to those items? i couldnt find them on the autopage site.....thanks
cant spell crap without rap
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
i like the 520 LCD Alarm but does it have a remote car starter?
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
and about how much does it cost?
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims