Anyone else get that Window A/C power loss thing? - Audio & Electronics Forum

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Anyone else get that Window A/C power loss thing?
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 7:19 PM
When I'm driving along and I turn on both of my Amps for my subs, everything dims for a second like when your at home and the lights are on and the 220 volt window A/C unit kicks there something I'm missing or is this normal?


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Re: Anyone else get that Window A/C power loss thi
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:02 PM
Normal. Everything takes more power to start-up then when its running.

Same kinda thing if you want to relate it to physics. Things need a higher force to get them moving from still, then they require to keep moving.

The dimming is partly caused from this; the need of more power to start, then is required to run.

Another part of the dimming is simply that your power regulator needs to catch-up to the change in power draw.

But you're fine, perfectly normal.

Some will argue that a capaciter will help this. I personnally thinks caps are a waste of money whatever your problem. A cap may and may not help your particular problem, but if it does help, it would barely be noticable, if its noticable at all.

If you're running a powerful system I would suggest a deep cycle battery, such as an Optima YellowTop, but you will still get this initial dim when things start.

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Re: Anyone else get that Window A/C power loss thi
Tuesday, July 05, 2005 8:47 PM
I have the deep cycle and the cap....and it still does it, even have the upgraded alternator. Thanks for the reply though. Glad to know I'm not on my own with that.

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