Fiberglass help - Audio & Electronics Forum

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Fiberglass help
Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:22 AM
Here is my problem this weekend I started to work on a fiberglass box to fit in my wheel well. I followed the direction on the can exectally but the resin and hardner would gel up in under five minuets. I try to put it on as best i could. I left it sit for about 5 hours and it was still the same as i had just put it on. It was jsut about 70 degrees when i tried. So my question is should the resin/hardner mixture be gelled up in less then 5 mins?

Re: Fiberglass help
Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:54 AM
ok.. so it gelled up but never hardened? did you have fiberglass stands in the resin? that may loook like its gelling but its not.. cause once it starts gelling it really gets hard quick so if its not hard then you didnt put enough hardner and the gelling effect could of been caused by excess fiberglass starnds in the resin(from dipping brush in it)

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Re: Fiberglass help
Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:18 PM
So your saying dont dip the brush in the resin? How would i go about getting the resin onto the fiberglass mat?
Re: Fiberglass help
Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:31 PM
no you can dip it.. but its not acctually gellin up. its just an illusion...fiberglass strangs get caught in the resin and the resin starts to bond or something to it and it just looks like gelling.. but its fine u can still use it ... well thats what happens to me sometimes so i am guessing thats what you are getting.. just make sure you have enough harner for your climate..

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Re: Fiberglass help
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 1:16 AM
Ok, first off, i've never had a problem with my brush dragging strands back into the pot and making an issue, resins will either cure or not, nothing can effect that except temp. what happened was your hardner was to cold for the temps you listed, read the back of the can or container and it should give you cure times at different temps, you can lay glass all the way down to 50 degrees so i think your mixture was off alittle, there is no way to fix this, pull it all out and throw it away its junk, start over add a few more drops of hardner, dont go overboard, maybe 2 to 3 drops depending on the hardner being cold,hot or normal at 70 degrees it should take around 10 to 15 mins before the glass starts to gel up and from there it should dry in like an hour, it'll be tacky and feel kinda sticky but it'll be solid and in a couple more hours usually i'll leave it over night and its beautiful. take your time read your directions and you'll get it, just make sure you mix your resin and hardner 100% correct off the package, if its not working with those numbers something is seriously wrong.

Re: Fiberglass help
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 12:34 PM
what kind of fiberglass resin did you use? jelly?

Re: Fiberglass help
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 1:34 PM
you mixed it wrong. you didn't have enough hardener in it. plain and simple.

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Re: Fiberglass help
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 3:04 PM
I was using bondo fiberglass resin and hardener. So the resin was clumping up because of a little got into the mix.
Re: Fiberglass help
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 4:12 PM
i forgot to mention always shake up your hardner and resin, sometimes the contents settle to the bottom of the jug and shaking them can help bring it back to correct, before i catch crap for that one i've seen it happen my brother was mixing epoxy resin and his mixtures were all screwy, he started shaking up the jugs before hand and it went away.

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