OK guys..ive been doing research for a while now. and i dont wanna bug you all with the same ol questions everyon else asks...but you know its gonna happen
Im pretty sure my profile is up to date but ill tell you what i got anyway.
2.6L quad4 12:1 compression on forged pistons with eagle rods. .430 cams and 36lb inj. currently putting down 230whp na , and im quite happy it..but i want to be able to keep up with the turbo cobalts around town, so i was thinking about putting down a 100shot wet.
No preference in brand name, i WOULD do more, but i dont wanna retard my timing, how well do you guys think this will work??? currently using a stock fuel pump..will it hold up ok with the extra fuel load? the engine should hold up to 100 pretty easy right? was planning on just hooking up a toggle in the cabin, and a wot switch on the throttle. this should work right??
also...im using my extrude honed ho intake manifold.....you guys think it will be ok to still put the nozzel before the throttle? or will direct port be a must?
thanks guys..i value your input !!!
oh, sorry,, guess i should also mention, im already running 1stage colder iridium denso spark plugs due to compression..will this be sufficient ?? and my pistons are ROSS forged with total seal rings. anything i should worry about there? thanks
ok, it's been awhile but i'll post what i would do and more experienced members can rip my post apart from there if they see fit lol
first off, with all the money in your engine UPGRADE YOUR DAMN FUEL PUMP
second, with a 100 shot, i'd run stage 2 colder plugs for sure. up to about a 75 one step colder would be fine. and with only a 100 one step colder might still be fine. i would trust might for 30 dollars worth of plugs though.
third, with an ho intake mani i'd go direct port, but only because that's the only way i've ever seen it done lol
and fourth and final, the general rule of thumb (at least from what i can remember, like i said it's been awhile) is to retard your timing 1 degree per 25 shot. so at 100 it should be retarded 4 degrees. that could be wrong though like i said, your time is better spent on an actual nitrous forum as the nitrous forum on this site is the absolute slowest forum here. anyway i hope i've helped at least somewhat.
also, read the faqs here, all of them, they're pretty out of date but the threshold for quad motors i believe is about a 50 shot on a stock engine, after that you need to start upgrading. now obviously your'e not on a stock engine but my point is that there are certain things you'll want to look for to make sure your engine is compatible with that large of a shot or things could start going boom in a hurry.
not sure y i quoted myself but there it is lol
haha, thanks. yea i went ahead and ordered the NOS brand "sniper kit" .. comes ready for a 75 shot so i guess thats where ill start. so this should work well with my current timing and spark plugs. and the motor should handle it just fine.
as for the fuel pump. the only reason i still have the factory one is because 1. it handles my current power fine. and 2. i have lifetime warranty for parts + labor for it at the local dealer

so if ( and when) it goes out the next one is free...and free to install. thats the only reason i havnt gotten another one yet
i would still seriously recommend to retard the timing.......
also, i'm sure you already know, and probly are, but make sure you run higher octane fuel. 93 at the lowest. the more juice you throw at it the higher octane fuel you'll need.
yea..im running 12:1 compression so i never use less than 93
Alright I'm going to add a little to this for you. Since I know you can't just swing by the junkyard and grab another stroker and plop it in the cav I would highly recomend adding a few saftey fetures to your basic NOS kit. First of all regardless of you upgrading your fuel pump I would recomend adding a fuel pressure safety switch as well as a wide open throttle switch. This way if the fuel pressure drops while making a run the kit will automatically shut itself down. You can add quite a few safety switches so you can add whatever you like. If you keep the shot to under 100 I'd feel safe with just a fogger nozzle after that I'd look into maybe going direct port with a nitrous controler to help aid in maintaining traction.
As far as the plug situation goes, I personally would run 2 stages colder copper plugs since you'll be on the bottle and your already running 12 to one on motor alone. Bluecavvy was right with the general rule of thumb of 1 deg for every 25hp sprayed but it is a general rule of thumb. For example I ran an msd dis 2 and pulled 3 deg's on my ohv for a 75 and it ran then I added 1 deg untill it was back to stock, and eventually the ringlands popped and I was out a motor 13 bottles later in a little over 3 months. My buddy Kevin ran a 175 shot on his fox body though and never pulled any timing and it lasted years....then we pulled the motor to put a 347 in and the old motor looked fine.
I've not messed with Nitrous in a long time so I'm going to leave my comments at that I will however recomend
picking up this book for a better understanding and having wiring diagrams to help with installing a kit with relays and the safety switches. It helped me out and answered questions I had along the way. Keep us posted and post up some dyno sheets so we can see what that monster puts down while sippin on some kool aid.
kool, thanks man. i already have the WOT switch...looking into the window switch and fuel cutoff switch like you said. both good ideas. im not trying to push my engine to its limit here. kit came with a 75 shot , so thats probably the highest ill go for a while. still need a purge kit as well...
Using a purge will help the nitrous "hit harder", I had one but rarely used it because it caused instant wheel spin on the street. By not purging the line it came on slightly softer and I rarely spun on the first pass. Worth trying if your having issues with traction.
hmmm..might wanna try it without the purge then haha.