nitrous backfire - Nitrous Oxide Forum
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I got my first nitrous backfire tonight, after just finishing the nitrous install i went to test it out sprayed 3 times and on the 4th i tried launching and i think i hit WOT at too low of a RPM bc the next thing I heard was a loud pop and I saw a flame come out from the front of the hood. I pulled over and popped my hood to see my intake was blown apart into about 10 pieces. I was just wondering how many of you guys had this happen before. BTW im running a harris speed works kit on a 75shot and on just an arm and WOT switch
97 Cavy 2.2
BTW if anyone has a stock 2.4 intake they want to get rid of let me know i need one asap
97 Cavy 2.2
never had a backfire for as much as i used the nitrous.

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Wow u are lucky u didn't blow that manifold off, lol. This is the reason why i spray in 2,3,4. never 1st cuz ive seen this @!#$ like this happen.
It happend again, i made a intake pipe from like dryer vent tube and sprayed in second at like 4k and it didnt even hit it just backfired and then the throttled got stuck so i shut the car off really qucik and pulled over and the intake i made was in little pieces. Now it seems to accel really slow on motor so im going to pull the plugs tomorrow and try to figure out whats wrong with my setup.
97 Cavy 2.2
i have a stock 2.4 manifold i wanna get rid of.
lemme know if you're interested.
Where is the nozzel installed? got any pics? and I'm guessing your stick so I would recomend getting an rpm window switch so you can consentrate on driving and not when you have floor it according to rpms.
The nozzel is hidden under the intake facing up, i dont have any pics i can get some tomorrow
97 Cavy 2.2
Is this a wet or a dry kit?
Its a wet kit
97 Cavy 2.2
Sounds like the nitrous is puddling and then igniting your kinda lucky you havent blown an intake manifold, also if you've had two intakes blow up on you some of the debris might of gotten sucked into your throttle body and fed into your cylinders. thats just my $.02 cents.
one question why is it under your intake ??? im guessing you have a single fogger wet system it will never atomize correctly like that just put it 6 inches in front of your t.b and you wont have this problem . im guessing you are accidentally letting off the gas before you finish the run or your spraying before you open the t/b and its just filling the intake . if you keep doing that youll blow every intake you put on there or your engine .
13's or blowning it. way
Its drilled under the intake about 8inches or so from the tb, the reason its under the intake and not on top or on the side is so no one will see it. Im not letting off at all even if i did im still on a WOT so it would stop spraying.
97 Cavy 2.2
Pull the manifold off and c whats going on.
I found out why it was backfiring, i melted 3 plugs im guessing its bc im not running a big enought fuel jet. What size fuel jet are you guys using for a 75 shot? I had a 25 in but just bumped it up to a 28
97 Cavy 2.2
Well since u figured out what happened, now do a comp check on your pistons, you can buy the kit at any auto store for 20 bucks. make sure ur getting good comp on all the pistons and then go out and have fun
Any updates on your situation? pics of the install....also are you using a wide band for tuneing? whats your fuel pressure at?
I got new TR6s gapped them at like 34 then put a bigger fuel jet in at its fine now. I sprayed it atleast 10 times without any backfires. Ill get some pics once i get another stock airbox. No wideband bc the car is still on the stock tune without any changes
97 Cavy 2.2
Why did u put a bigger fuel jet in? For a 75 shot you should be using what they recommend, if u put a bigger jet in u will be dumping more fuel in which can cause another nitrous backfire.
I put a bigger fuel jet in bc when i pulled the plugs 3 of them were melted. A melted plug is caused by running to lean so i went from a .025 fuel jet up to a .028 which seems to be working fine
97 Cavy 2.2
I've had fuel puddling blow up one intake manifold
good times (on a single nozzle100 wet shot)
Was that the stocker 2.4 mani?

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
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