went to track in cav tryed to heat tires and not heat the tires.Tires would just speen at launch then when i hooked up i would spray
and then get no traction and almost go into middle lane would have to get off wide open throttle then go my best time was 14.7
when do you spray and what do you do for traction.i have 2055 50 15 tires
heating up street tires can do more harm than good. spray in 2nd gear at least. and above 3500 rpm
or just get some drag radials

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Curious what shot you are running and what your tire pressure was at?14.7 seems good for an OHV,esp. an auto

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
75 shot have alot done to motor have ran 14.20 before dont no what tire pressure was just had bad traction that night they put all that water down tryed to go around it,i did spray in second but right when i do my tires just spin my pressure gauge wasnt working on bottle so i didnt no it.
my mods are
cold air intake
motor mounts
under drive polley
1.6 comp cam roller rockers
3 angle valve job
pace header 3 1/4 exuas
ported head
shaved head
motor bored 10 over
ported intake to match
ported tb
fuel cell
nx kit with bottle heater and purge
what drag radials to you recomend
1995 3pd 13.90 1/4 mile.
13.9 with 100 shot but blew motor after 3 races
matt wrote:13.9 with 100 shot but blew motor after 3 races
You just blew the motor?Or the previous?I'm slightly confused.But seems like you did SOME work to the motor but forgot the most important part... the bottom end.But as far as Dr's i'd say go with 15's or 16's,maybe a 205/50
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, October 08, 2007 8:22 PM

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Damn thats some good times for a 2.2 even with a built top end. Good job man with good traction u should run lot faster than that.
13.9 with old motor and with 100 shot was during summer time got way better traction dont know why but just couldnt get any traction at all this time was so bad would start to slide all over the place
Spraying in first will do nothing but smoke the tires. 2nd gear is better, but honestly I would spray in 3rd and 4th. Taller gears and your RPM's won't shoot up as fast. Shouldn't have any traction issues then.
damn that sure is aquick time for a 3spd on a 75 shot no offense but a little to fast ive been to the track with my friends wrx pushing 180hp and he ran a 14.3 with a 1.9 60' and thats all wheel drive ! also a accord auto 150 hp only ran a 15.3 on a 100 shot with a 2.4 60"" . so if its real thats damn good . but i would like to see the actual time slip no a photo shopped one .
13's or blowning it. wayhttp://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e175/slowfire99/100_0463.jpg
i run at academy in temple i tell alot of people to go out there like centex js but know one ever goes my 13.9 was with a 100 shot
sprayed in middle of second gear going to get slicks then go out again would like some people from around austin tx to go all the cavs that go up there run17 to 18 my car stock ran 18.2 im going to get slicks then run 100 shot
1995 3pd 13.90 1/4 mile.
i dont have a problem with spinning tires as long as i get a nice hot burn out, and thats with 100 shot comming out of the hole with it also......i have bf goodrich t/a and i love them.... i've found that 30 pds of air works well. not much tire spin(of coarse im sure you'll fine a different pressure for the track you run)
And your running a 100 shot with a stock bottom end and no timing retard?How often do you spray a 100 shot?

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
BIGGSZ24 wrote:And your running a 100 shot with a stock bottom end and no timing retard?How often do you spray a 100 shot?
run good fuel and colder plugs, jet the fuel side alittle richer, i dont see a problem?
** Flat Broke Racing Inc.**
No but after x amount of bottles your pistons will

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Alot.... lol yeah stock bottom end and no retard yet. i have an msd, so once that goes in it will get a bigger shot. And i already know that it can't handle 100.....
BIGGSZ24 wrote:And your running a 100 shot with a stock bottom end and no timing retard?How often do you spray a 100 shot?
Well not trying to argue but you said above that you were running a 100 shot,even with the Dis2 I wouldn't run a 100 shot on stock internals on a consistent basis.I hate to keep bringing up Jarret's(Nitro)name but he ran a 100 shot on stock internals,no msd and only dr's and a window switch and managed to run a 13.3.So you can run a 100 shot but I wouldn't on a consistent basis.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"