i just got off the phone with a guy from Edelbrock and these were the numbers he gave me 26 n2o/24 fuel=40hp, 28 n2o/ 25 fuel=60hp, 30 n2o/26 fuel=70hp ....so when i bought this kit used the guy included a 32 n2o/ 20 fuel and told me it was a 50 shot,can anyone tell me close to exactly what size shot this is,i have the Edelbrock EFI Universal Wet Kit part #is 71820 for the kit. thanks
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
46 hp according to all the nitrous calculators
Edited 4 time(s). Last edited Monday, January 29, 2007 5:02 PM
The Fuel jet size should be 0.018" or 0.447mm
A Nitrous jet size of .032" or 0.8128mm should produce:
46.25 HP with 1 port(s)
Actual HP to the wheels: 39.31 HP
thats what one of the calculators said
hp fuel/n2o
40 34 / 20
60 42 / 23
those are the jet sizes they have listed on the website for the efi kit
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, January 29, 2007 5:17 PM
thanks cake, i take the idiot comment back,your not so bad of a person no matter what these other guys say about ya
,for our friendly race are you gonna bring the 04 or the 97,I'd like to race the Z against Z both with nitrous,whatcha' think?
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
my z is a turd it would break down on the way there and to put nitrous on it would be asking to tow it back home
60 hp=42/23?
yeah i think i'll go with what the Edelbrock guy said 30 nitrous/26 fuel for the 70 shot
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
upping the fuel wont make up for the smal nitrous jet id go with the 42 jet as the website recomends
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, January 29, 2007 6:38 PM
The Fuel jet size should be 0.023" or 0.586mm
A Nitrous jet size of .042" or 1.0668mm should produce:
79.66 HP with 1 port(s)
Actual HP to the wheels: 67.71 HP
with the .042 nitrous jet
damn a z against z race would be fun,oh well,i've only got 3 posts left after this one so talk to ya later
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
im here to help sometimes i come off like an ass but usually i try to help its just the way i am
thanks for the link,according to it,at 900 psi with fuel pressure at 36 a 75 shot consists of a 41 n2o and a 24 fuel,i guess i still don't understand why there is so much difference with what the Edelbrock tech said and this calculator.I know all wet kits don't use the same style jets' The paperwork i have for my wet kit states that a 80 shot is a 30 n2o/26 fuel but the tech said those numbers make up a 70 shot so i'm not sure what to think but i'm going to call some performance shops to get other opinions.
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
yea different brands yield different numbers... dont quote me on anythin only thing i know is i was told nx & NOS use the same type of jets for their shots... but i dunno for sure as to anything else... call some shops and ask them....
Best ET to Date: 14.251 @ 98.51 mph. 13's or Bust Baby!
Ponda SUX wrote:http://www.speedshop.org/store/scripts/installation_instructions/jet_calculator/nitrousjetcalc.asp
try that..
thats the one i was trying to find to post up i was using a crappy one to get the numbers posted
what's up Cake,I finally got my new NX fuel solenoid hooked up,works great,it's huge compared to the old Edelbrock Performer solenoid,old one was rated to 175 h.p. and the new one is rated up to 400 h.p.,still haven't made calls to any speed shops about the jet sizes,think i'll just start e-mailin' shops and Edelbrock to make sure and just to let you know when i ran on the track for the first time is when i ran that 16.7,nitrous wasn't working properly,i had a piece of Teflon tape stuck in the n2o solenoid so i was just dumpin' extra fuel and the car was fully loaded with a box w/2 12's,spare tire,etc; and i only had a w.a.i. on it.Plus my r/t's were horrible,best was a .667 so come spring i'm sure i'll run way faster than that.So what system are you going to use,Zex,NX?Direct-port or wet?
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
read the link and again none of those numbers' correspond to an Edelbrock EFI wet kit,there (edelbrock) numbers' are way smaller ,as i said before they are saying with my kit to use their jets only,30 nitrous and 26 fuel to =70 hp shot,which is why i'm double and triple checking,but thanks
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Mr. Cake wrote:hp fuel/n2o
40 34 / 20
60 42 / 23
those are the jet sizes they have listed on the website for the efi kit
thats what they have listed on there website for the efi wet kit
BIGGSZ24 wrote:read the link and again none of those numbers' correspond to an Edelbrock EFI wet kit,there (edelbrock) numbers' are way smaller ,as i said before they are saying with my kit to use their jets only,30 nitrous and 26 fuel to =70 hp shot,which is why i'm double and triple checking,but thanks
That would be due to Edelbrock's lawyers wanting to be conservative with the jet sizes so people who want to run a 100 shot that might blow their car up can feel like they're playing with the big boys, but they're actually spraying a bit less. As far as I know, from searching the subject, that kit was dyno tested and those HP settings were very close to actual WHP gains. Maybe Edelbrock wanted to rate their kits at the crank, so they don't have to guess what kind of drivetrain losses the average user would see.
Oh, and checking the numbers you posted against not only that thread, but
this online calculator , it would seem that your numbers are way off in terms of what jets = what shot. A .030 nitrous jet is only good for 40 hp at 1000 psi bottle pressure. Furthermore, an .026 fuel jet operating at 50 psi of fuel pressure would be waayyyyyyyyy rich. You should be using a .016 at that hp level.
Actually Cake if you go on www.edelbrock.com,scroll down and click on install instructions,then on to nitrous mapping ,you have to look at the corresponding kit#,mine is #71820 which comes out to a 30 n2o and a 26 fuel, for an 80 shot,even though the tech told me a 70 shot, not all jets' are the same and we all know that most jets from other kits' are not interchangeable,we also all kow that there are more than styles of jets than my taper face style ,i've gone on Ebay and looked and they have some that say they will only work with NX and NOS ,i haven't seen any that say they'll work with Edelbrock systems and Jason I don't agree with that calculator ,i'm sure if we tried 5 different calculators' we would get 5 different readings ,thanks for any input though
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Nitrous flows as nitrous flows, man. A .030" orifice is an .030 oriface, at any given pressure, nitrous will flow through one jet the same as another of the same oriface size. The number of the jet corresponds with the size of the hole in the jet by the thousandth of an inch. Therfore, even though certain jets will not work with other companys nozzles, the hole size is the same. It is the flare and shank that are different. I still stand by my original post.
i know that much,i'm a cnc operator,i deal with thousandths and millimeters all day i just don't know why different calculators give different readings
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Well, from my experience with them, alot of nitrous calculators are just plain wrong. I checked out about a half dozen of them before I settled on the one I provided the link for due to it's accuracy. The only problem I have with this one is that it always calculates the hp level based on a bottle pressure of 900 psi, no matter what you punch in.