ok so im getting ready to get a nitrous setup, so far i have looked at getting the 255lph fuel pump from highrevmotorsports, a zex wet kit and bottle heater, and the denzo irduriam(sp). plugs, i would like to run between a 75-100 shot. i was just wodnering if this would be enought to safely run that setup or if i was leaving anything out
fuel pressure safety switch - added insurance
rpm window switch - again more insurance
another nitrous solenoid wired in series - incase the first sticks open.
i believe the zex comes with the WOT switch if not, get one
could look into a msd dis-2 in time
also could look into a safc-2 at some point
and of course run 93 octane gas
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
It depends, really. You could get away with running the 100 shot for years with a setup like that. Or you might blow the engine the first time out. I'm always hesitant to say something will work on a car I don't know. Are the rings and pistons in good shape? Are the valves in good shape? All these things matter. And just a little side note, I would go with copper plugs before iridium. NGK TR6's to be exact. Or maybe even TR7's if you plan on staying with the 100 shot for a long time.
<img src=http://ourworld.cs.com/jwithspray/Nitrosig13303.JPG>
ok, this may sound like a bad question, but what does the fuel pressure saftey switch do, and with having an automatic would the rpm window switch be a nessiary, i figured with havin the auto i wouldnt have to worry about bouncing off the rev limiter and are the copper plugs a good amount better then the urudiums, cause i will probley be leaning more towards the 75 shot, i just want to make sure that the setup is stable, i dont wanna get into the dis-2 right now after i buy all the stuff for my nitrous, ill probley be pretty broke, but i did the big 3 upgrade last night so im hopeing ignition will be ok and i will be getting enough spark.