My car have no airbag system. I have only one line for the horn on the hub with a sparco steering wheel with 4 buttons.
Any idea on how can i connect the nitrous activation button, purge button and the horn the same time.
The horn will work all the time and the nitrous purge and activation button only when system is armed..
Any solution to this. I have only one line to use. Do exists any product to use this buttons.?
I'm going to make a circuit a simple voltage comparator or schmitd trigger to senes varios voltages from resistors divisors on the steering wheel..
But i want to know if exist something already.
well My setup.. I thought about it and thought about
it.. and tried to figure out how in the hell to avoid
that. took me 2 days of thinking. lol
Those buttons as you know have wires comming off of
each button on the backside. Well I used the small
house speaker wire as the wire to connect it. Then
what i did was notch out the size and depth of the
wire. so the wire is "Suggly" pressed and held in one
spot so there is no wire roll and flex. then i put the
steering wheel to the hub, lined up the wires and
bolted her down
ran the wires through the hub
adapter into the steering wehel column. I left slack
as well behind the horn button that i didnt wire..
incase there was some binding.. it wouldnt screw w/
the buttons.
But i just used a dremel to notch out the back of the
steering wheel. I'd take pics, but im not gonna have
that wheel off again anytime soon. LOL So if you need
any more info and tips, pointers bro, hit me up agian.
Always more than glad to help someone out!
But i ran 4 seperate wires.. 2 for each button. I dont have a horn... never really use it. lol you could wire up a horn too I'd imadgine
Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
-Saint Augustine