Here's the deal. i have had these wheels for a very long time. The lips are beyond saving as being a polished lip so they must be painted. Would like to see what color combos you guys can come up with for lip/wheel. My idea is painting the lip the same color as the car and the inside diff. They will be on a silver 03 LS. Lets see what you guys can come up with. Thanks in advance!
metallic pink. it would look good and be pretty unique
Not bad. Hadn't thought about metallic finishes. Should be easy to do on that lip. Thanks for the help.
Its looking good but you need something more. Because this is not looking be original. I think the golden color with be the or the copper. what you say about that. Well I will try this to do that. If i success then i will post it.
Rola Roof Racks